Last Friday’s immigration civil disobedience in Arizona.
Dear Conservative Friend,
President Obama’s fierce determination to cram amnesty down the throats of every American without beefing up border security was “upstaged” last Friday be civil disobedience protestors in Arizona!
The National Day Laborers Organizing Network (NDLON), partially funded by liberal billionaire George Soros’ Open Society, had protestors obstruct our justice system in Tucson, Arizona. Many were arrested. The protestors formed human chains around buses and blocked the entrance to the courthouse.
The deportation process of illegal aliens had to be shut down in Tucson due to the obstructions. They even chained themselves to government transportation vehicles.
Despite the arrests, I’m sure that there was a huge smile on the face of President Barack Obama.
After supposedly “winning” the government shutdown and debt ceiling debacle, he is now “energized” to cram through “immigration reform” before the end of the year.
President Obama’s blanket amnesty speech was given last Thursday, where he demanded: “(We) should finish the job of fixing our broken immigration system. There’s already a broad coalition across America that’s behind this effort of comprehensive immigration reform.”
Despite some polls, Obama declared: “The majority of Americans think this is the right thing to do.” Right now, we need to tell Congress differently!
Besides, there is no time to address immigration and amnesty properly before the budget, debt ceiling, and government shutdown woes stare us in the face again, soon!
Immigration (to include blanket amnesty) is one of President Obama’s top agenda items. Obama also declared: “If the House has ideas on how to improve the Senate bill, let’s hear them. Let’s start the negotiations.”
Here is the problem. It appears that the GOP is a little weaker and fragmented as a result of the latest debt ceiling 11th-hour legislation. Obama will absolutely take advantage of that to try to push through un-bridled legislation on amnesty and immigration. Of course he never uses the term “blanket amnesty.” It always sounds better to say “immigration reform.” But why would Obama and his minions let a crisis go to waste—again and again and again?
Will President Obama used the same under-handed tactics by NOT negotiating at all over immigration reform? Or will he try to squeeze the Republicans into a corner on the amnesty and border security issue?
In last Wednesday’s press briefing, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney appeared to carry the back-room political torch of immigration for the president. Carney said: “The President believes that one of the consequences of these manufactured crises is that time is taken away from the pursuit of other goals that we have as a nation, and that includes economic goals…and it goes also to the project of bringing about legislation that he can sign that comprehensively reforms our immigration system in this country.
“Now, that legislation passed the Senate with a significant bipartisan majority, and he absolutely believes that the House ought to take up that legislation and pass it.”
We must oppose that in every way.
Villain Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-NV), also said on Wednesday, “I look forward to the next venture, which is making sure we do immigration reform.”
Countering Reid was Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), Chairman of the House Immigration Committee. Gowdy retorted back at Reid: “It’s a little disingenuous to treat the House as an irrelevant branch of government (by Reid not taking up ANY House bills in the debt ceiling negotiations) and then say, ‘By the way, tomorrow you’ll need to go ahead and push (immigration legislation).’ It doesn’t work that way!”
Of course Senator Rand Paul, along with many others, continues to push for a much larger amount of border security. He is also supported on that score by U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, a member of the original “Gang of 8.”
Another “Gang of 8” member was Rep. Raul R. Labrador (R-ID) who commented: “He (Obama) is trying to destroy the Republican Party, and I think that anything that we do right now with the president on immigration will be with that same goal in mind, which is to destroy the Republican Party and not to get good policy.
Labrador also stated: “It’s not going to happen this year. After the way the president acted over the last two or three weeks where he would refuse to talk to the Speaker of the House…they’re not going to get immigration reform. That’s done!”
S. 744 is the comprehensive immigration and amnesty bill that passed the Senate and is awaiting Speaker John Boehner to take it up in the House. It would give what amounts to blanket amnesty to over 15 million Americans.
Supposedly, Boehner has promised to take immigration reform in the House, little-by-little, in small pieces. Supposedly. Or will he once again cave into the Obama steam-roller tactics that he would once again use on his immigration strategy?
Most House Republicans have expressed opposition to S. 744 that was passed by the United States Senate this past July. The bill allows for undocumented immigrants to apply for citizenship in the United States after 13 years; many refer to that as “amnesty.”
Funded by George Soros, last Friday’s Arizona civil disobedience on immigration.
Please urge Congress to take up amnesty and immigration little-by-little. Townhall’s Amanda Munoz reports: “Instead of going at it in one fell swoop, the House has several pieces of immigration related bills in the works; four pieces have already been marked up and passed out of the House Judiciary Committee – the Strengthen and Fortify Enforcement Act (H.R.2278), Agricultural Guestworker “AG” Act (H.R. 1773), Legal Workforce Act (H.R. 1772), and the Supplying Knowledge Based Immigrants and Lifting Levels of STEM Visas Act (H.R. 2131). Republican goals include increasing border security, improving the legal immigration system so as to create more jobs and boost the economy, finding the appropriate legal status for illegal immigrants, and effectively enforcing immigration rules.”
But the real question is: Will Speaker John Boehner stick to his earlier decision to take up “immigration reform” piece-by-piece?
Some insiders think he might cave into the political pressure of the moment, simply to appease the Hispanic vote. Don’t let him do it!!
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Here is what America is facing if we accept Senate Bill 744 as is! Here are the political effects of blanket amnesty according to the Pew Research organization and other scholars.
Scholar Steven Camarota of the Center for Immigration Studies writes: “Based on projections by the Congressional Budget Office, we estimate that if (the Gang of Eight bill) (S.744) were to become law it will add more than 17 million new potential voting-age citizens by 2036. These potential voters are in addition to the nearly 15 million that the current level of legal immigration will add by 2036!”
Pew Research asked Americans if they “would rather have a smaller government providing fewer services or a larger government providing more services? Hispanic Americans favored larger government by a 75 percent to 19 percent split.”
Adding MILLIONS to the voter rolls in the United States of America will GUARANTEE more federal government entitlements that you, the American taxpayer, will have to pay for. As the report shows, THREE-FOURTHS of Hispanics would prefer a LARGER federal government.
My friend, do you see the “writing on the wall?” Blanket amnesty will guarantee a much larger government, NOT less.
I simply cannot imagine MORE of the Obama administration and their antics.
Please, please fax about immigration right now! It will make a distinct difference.
We are up against the billions by George Soros.
But we know we are right in this fight for piece-by-piece immigration reform, no blanket amnesty, and massive border security.
Joe Otto