Dear Conservative,
This past Saturday, Vice President Joe Biden gave a speech at Miami Dade College in Florida. During the speech, a pro-illegal immigration heckler got up and screamed, “Stop Deportations!” Joe Biden responded calmly, “We’ll do that too, kid, but let me get finished with my speech.”
Let’s pause for a minute and think about what he said. Joe “I can’t keep a secret” Biden has let the cat out of the bag and admitted that the Obama administration plans to halt deportations. Media pundits and policy analysts have hinted at this, but Biden is the first one to actually confirm it.
Mark it down on your calendars, ladies and gentlemen. Today is the day that law and order died in America. Well, considering that Obama hasn’t followed the law from day-one, I guess today is just one of the many days that law and order died in America.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. This spineless President is going to cater to a lobbying group that doesn’t even represent U.S. citizens! That is how outrageous this is. But you are also a lobbyist! Congress represents you!
Remember on the campaign trail how Barack Obama would boast that he was the “Deporter-in-Chief?” Well, that was nothing but an attempt to win over moderate independents and steal an election.
If Barack Obama had campaigned promoting his REAL intentions (stopping all deportations, kicking people off healthcare, turning his back on Israel, etc.) then he never would have been elected or reelected. The greatest lie ever told was Barack Obama convincing American voters that he was a moderate!
He called himself the Deporter-in-Chief when it was politically advantageous and now that he doesn’t need to pretend anymore – since he won’t be running for President again – he has shown his true colors.
Interestingly enough, not only did the title Deporter-in-Chief misrepresent his true intentions, but the title also isn’t statistically accurate. For years, the Obama administration has been changing how it calculates deportations. Rather than just counting the deportations of individuals already settled in the United States, the White House has lumped them in with arrests made at the border. The result is a deportation number that appears much larger than it actually is because it includes border arrests. There are some people who are caught trying to illegally enter the United States twice in one day. The Obama administration would claim that such a person was deported twice.
Obama has never been the Deporter-in-Chief. That was just a title he used to skirt Congressional pressure and convince the public to elect him. However, now that he is in the second half of his last term, Obama has begun to show his true colors.
The Obama administration will soon announce that it is ceasing all deportations of illegal aliens! The logic behind this is simple: Each illegal alien represents a Democrat voter and when you include his or her progeny, we are talking about multiple generations of Democrat voters. The last thing Obama, or any Democrat, wants is for someone to be deported right before the GOP RINOs finally agree to give them citizenship!
So the issue is two-fold:
On the one hand, you have the Obama administration once again refusing to “faithfully execute” the law. The Obama administration’s refusal to defend our borders has been one of the worst parts of the last 6 years. On that issue alone, Barack Hussein Obama should be impeached!
However, there is another more important side to this story. For Barack Obama to be stopping all deportations means that he knows that a so-called “bipartisan” amnesty bill is on the horizon and closing in fast. He knows that Republicans are getting ready to commit political suicide by giving citizenship to 12+ million illegal aliens and future Democrat voters! This is your early warning!
Think about it: when amnesty is the law of the land, there will be no legal need for deportations! Obama is just trying to get a head start on what he knows will be a reality, one way or another!
Every day, illegal aliens lobby YOUR representatives. These Congressmen and Senators have no legal reason to listen to them. Not only are they not constituents, but they aren’t voters. Apparently, your Representatives don’t notice that because they continue to listen to the illegal immigrant lobby. Do you know why? Because they aren’t hearing from enough brave patriots like YOU!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily