A Chicago area 4th of July parade was attacked by a deranged gunman, resulting in the death of 6 people and over 30 injured. Information coming out on the shooter, Bobby Crimo, shows that once again law enforcement agencies dropped the ball on many advance warnings of this mass murderer. Crimo posted his dark, twisted fantasies prolifically across social media, yet no government agency took action. Why is it that Federal enforcement agencies seem to allow maniacs like Crimo to plot and execute these atrocities time and time again? It seems as if politicized Federal agencies may be looking the other way on these acts of terror to allow political agendas aimed at gun control to advance. Just this morning, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, called for an investigation into the correlation between mass shootings and the prescriptions of the shooters. Many studies hidden from the public eye, draw connections to Big Pharma’s widespread influence among mass shootings nationwide. The mainstream media is trying to deny the links between Big Pharma prescriptions and mass violence. The link below says otherwise. https://www.cchrint.org/school-shooters/ Send your Instant FaxBlast today and demand Congress take action to stop the renewed calls for gun control and focus on the real crisis, mental health and Big Pharma’s influence in the violence facing our communities! Americans are tired of watching the Establishment push political agendas when tragedy occurs! Politicians stand ready to strip us of our rights to self defense as the real culprit, the mental health crisis aided by Big Pharma, are allowed to act with impunity!