Dear Conservative,
Barack Obama is conspiring with Eric Holder to release thousands of felons from prison in what will be the first blanket-pardon of its kind. So far, Obama has pardoned fewer convicts than any other modern president. However, all of this will change…
The prisoners, all of whom were convicted in a court of law before a jury of their peers for drug crimes, will be pardoned and released for time served. The reasoning? Barack Obama doesn’t agree with the drug laws that lead to their sentencing!
Because Obama disagrees with the mandatory minimums from so-called “non-violent offenders,” he is going to pardon all those convicted under the “old regime.”
The President of the United States has the authority to pardon individuals that he sees fit. However, never before has a President used pardon powers on such a large scale, with a blanket pardon given to everyone convicted of a certain crime!
I suspect that this goes much deeper than just letting a few felons out of prison.
As you might remember, Eric Holder came out a few months ago and announced that it was time to restore voting rights for felons. In these cases, he argued, the punishment of disenfranchisement didn’t fit the crime of drug sale/possession.
This is how the Democrat party does business. They target a certain voting block and they give away benefits in order to buy votes. The result is a whole new class of voters who will owe a debt of gratitude to the Democrat Party for the rest of their lives. The Democrats did this with the labor unions and they are trying to accomplish this with illegal aliens. Hell, two months ago the Obama administration opened up the U.S. to so-called “non-violent terrorists.” Now, the Obama administration is targeting convicted felons.
The President and his administration should, on a case by case basis, analyze these applications and determine whether these people deserve clemency.
But that’s not what a blanket pardon is. Now, don’t get me wrong. There are certainly people in prison for first-time drug offenses who should probably be granted mercy. I have heard horror stories of teenagers sentenced to life in prison for first time drug offenses.
But I have also heard stories of violent offenders who, as part of a plea deal, pled guilty to lesser, non-violent crimes. Anyone who understands how our justice system works knows that this is commonplace. It is not uncommon for violent offenders and drug dealers to plead down to lesser crimes like felony possession.
It shouldn’t be like this, but that is how our criminal justice system unfortunately works. By using a blanket pardon, Barack Obama is poised to inadvertently release hundreds, if not thousands, of violent felons from prison. All in the name of “fairness.”
This cannot be allowed to happen! The Obama administration is going to fast-track applications for clemency and plans to release felons from prison all in one fell swoop!
The American people voted for legislators who passed these anti-drug laws. Then, these people were convicted before a jury of their peers. Now, Barack Obama is going to release potentially tens of thousands of felons from prison all with just a signature! Why? Because he disagrees with the law!
The presidential pardon is supposed to be something rare and well thought out, not something to be used across the board for large amounts of criminals!
Like the rest of his presidency, when Barack Hussein Obama doesn’t like something the other two branches of government decide, he just ignores it and acts alone!
If you are tired of Barack Obama abusing his authority to achieve his leftist agenda and you want to stop him from giving blanket clemency to thousands of convicted felons, I implore you to take the time to fax Congress to get them to stop this lunacy!
Because if we don’t stop this blanket pardon, then potentially tens of thousands of felons will be out of prison and back on the street!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily