Fellow Conservative,
Barack Obama just did something that was not only treasonous, but absolutely worthy of impeachment: he joined a UN climate treaty that he had no right to join.
The Constitution is clear. It takes a 2/3 ratification in the Senate to join any international treaty. Congress has not given the President permission to participate in the UN’s climate treaty. Anything Obama does to support such a treaty is wholly unconstitutional.
President Obama has promised the UN $3 billion of your money to promote their climate agenda. Many Senators have promised to stop this unconstitutional action. They have promised to cut off the funding entirely. They failed.
Republican Senator Shelly Moore Capito of West Virginia, the Chair of the Senate Environmental Panel on International Climate Negotiations, for example, has swore that Obama will never use American tax dollars to further a radical climate agenda.
Well, he just did. The administration just made its first donation to the UN climate fund for half a billion dollars…
You see, this is how Obama operates. When the United Nations brought forward the UN Arms Trade Treaty, the President knew he’d never get Congress on board with international gun control.
He signed the treaty anyway and then pledged to do everything in his power to support the treaty’s implementation without Congressional support. The President’s subordinates went to Mexico to attend the first annual Arms Treaty conference and actually helped plan and finance its implementation.
We already know the playbook. Obama gets around the constitution by financing the UN’s treaties instead of ratifying them. This is treasonous!
What is even worse is that with Scalia’s passing, the Supreme Court is now on Obama’s side. They just ruled in favor of Obama’s EPA’s new air regulations, which the Court had previously ruled against when Scalia was on the bench.
So we have an Executive Branch that has promised to violate the constitution and implement a treaty without ratification and a Judicial Branch that is more than willing to provide political cover. That leaves Congress as the only branch of government that can stop this horrible treaty from moving forward!
We are running out of time to stop this. Not just because the money is starting to leave the treasury, but also because Loretta Lynch and the DOJ have admitted they are considering prosecuting “climate deniers.” That’s code for anyone who disagrees with Obama’s policies.
Loretta Lynch admitted under oath that the DOJ has actually pursued launching civil legal action against anyone who publicly opposes Obama’s policies.
The President is literally giving away your tax dollars and his deputies are looking into ways to potentially prosecute people who disagree with him! The clock is running out to fight this tyranny!
Don't let Obama use your tax dollars to fund his radical, globalist climate change agenda!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily