This has been a long time coming. After years of lying before Congress and deceiving the American people, articles of impeachment have finally been filed against Attorney General Eric Holder. Rep. Pete Olson (R-TX) introduced House Resolution 411, marking the first attempt to impeach a sitting-Cabinet member in nearly 137 years.
The criticisms against Holder are well documented. For the past five years, Attorney General Eric Holder has systematically misled Congress and undermined the credibility of the Justice Department in the eyes of the public.
Tell Congress to Support the Articles of Impeachment Against Attorney General Eric Holder!
While in office, Holder has refused to cooperate with congressional investigations into Operation Fast and Furious, a failed gun-walking operation that gave guns to the Mexican cartels. This has been linked the deaths of hundreds of Mexican civilians, as well as the death of U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.
Eric Holder has also refused to prosecute Lois Lerner and other IRS agents who unlawfully disclosed private tax records to third-party organizations. Holder’s refusal to prosecute proves that he supports unlawful behavior as long as the ends justify the means (read: as long as conservative groups are targeted).
Holder has also taken a play out of the President’s playbook and personally chosen which laws to enforce. The Constitution mandates that the Executive Branch enforce the laws as they are written. But the last few years have proven that Holder is more than willing to pick and choose which laws are enforced and which laws are defended before the Supreme Court.
Finally, Holder has proven uncooperative with Congressional investigations into the DOJ’s unlawful surveillance targeting journalists, and each probe into these unconstitutional programs has been met with more and more hostility.
By all measures, Attorney General Eric Holder has failed to live up to his oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against enemies foreign and domestic.” Holder has betrayed the trust of the American people, making it obvious that HE is a domestic enemy of the Constitution! Eric Holder will go down in history as the most unconstitutional Attorney General!
The Resolution has been drafted and introduced in the House of Representatives. While it currently has 20 sponsors, it will need a lot more support to be successful. Now, more than ever, we MUST reach out to Congress and urge them to support these articles of impeachment!
Tell Congress to Support the Articles of Impeachment Against Attorney General Eric Holder!
Holder’s crimes are well documented. Unfortunately, he has been allowed to hide under the veil of Obama’s executive privilege. But the last five years in office have shown that asking Eric Holder to follow and defend the Constitution is like asking a fox to guard the hen-house. Of course Eric Holder isn’t following the Constitution… that’s because he despises it!
He believes that the Constitution is nothing but outdated guidelines in much need of edits because the document does not afford him with the totalitarian power liberals think it should.
The Constitution exists as a framework to defend against tyranny. By refusing to obey or defend the document, Eric Holder can only be classified as a tyrant!
Fortunately, the Constitution provides a process for removing tyrants from office. Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution says that the House of Representatives has the power to impeach civil officers for treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.
The resolution has been introduced in Congress. Now WE must do our part and make sure that our elected officials support this resolution and act in our interests.
Tell Congress to Support the Articles of Impeachment Against Attorney General Eric Holder!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily