Fellow Conservative,
Yesterday, there were three national polls released (IBD/TIPP, Rasmussen, LA Times) showing Donald Trump either ahead or tied. The Reuters/Ipsos poll showed Donald Trump closing the gap by half since the surreptitiously recorded tape surfaced a few weeks ago.
The takeaway? The message that this electoral process could be rigged is resonating. But if you ask the GOP leadership, you would have no idea that Donald Trump is surging.
Over the past few days, Republican Congressmen and Senators have been lining up to give their latest statement about how much they despise Donald Trump. We were going to list all the Republicans who used this opportunity to bash the Republican nominee, but there are just too many.
We went down the list earlier this week. The evidence of GOP subterfuge is now impossible to ignore. Even Hillary Clinton joked at the Al Smith dinner about how, despite their fundraising agreement, the RNC hasn’t paid for a single television ad for Trump.
Campaign offices are closed on weekends, Trump volunteers are being turned away if they won’t campaign for NeverTrump Congressmen/Senators, the RNC cut off funding for Trump’s ground game efforts, and the GOP’s voter registration efforts in swing states have been anemic.
Earlier this week, we launched a new campaign to counteract this. Usually, we limit our advocacy efforts to Congress. Every day, we help hundred of Conservatives amplify their message by FaxBlasting Congress.
But this week, we tried a little bit of a different approach. We spent much of last weekend compiling all the fax numbers for the State GOP offices around the country.
So when we launched our campaign earlier this week, not only did we bombard Congress with messages demanding they support the nominee, but we made the fax machines at the GOP State Offices ring and print all day long. None of that would have been possible without your help.
We planned for this past campaign to be a one-off. Honestly, we didn’t know if it would be successful.
But I just ran the numbers and this was the most popular and participated-in campaign we’ve ever run. A lot of people have been emailing us and asking when our next campaign would launch so they could take part, either again or for the first time.
So, we’re going to hit them again.
The faux outrage this past week was astonishing. The GOP used Donald Trump’s statements during the debate – that he won’t commit to accepting the election results before he sees if there was fraud – as another excuse to bash him.
The media declared that Trump was “un-American” and dangerous for even suggesting the election could be stolen.
I don’t remember the media going after the Democrats for arguing for the past 16 years that the 2000 election was stolen. In 2002, Hillary Clinton said at a fundraiser that George W Bush was “selected, not elected.” Where was the outrage there?
In 2008, Barack Obama said he was thankful that Democrats control the voting machines because Republicans have been known to cheat.
Just last week, while campaigning with Al Gore, Hillary Clinton nodded her head and smiled when the crowd chanted that Gore actually won the 2000 election.
The media? Speechless. The GOP? Still piling on against Trump.
It is truly pathetic.
I have said this a lot lately but it really is important to understand: the only reason the GOP is doing any of this is they truly believe they can get away with it.
They believe that they can publicly and privately sabotage the Republican nominee – thus electing Hillary Clinton – without suffering any consequences. They think that they can hold onto their power without repercussions.
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times: It is up to YOU to prove them wrong!
Whether Trump was your first, second, third, or fourth choice is irrelevant. Now, he is our only choice to stop Hillary.
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily