Nancy Pelosi is refusing to allow Congress to come back into session. Instead, she is working with the leaders and leftists in her party to craft a 1 Trilliond ollar coronavirus relief bill behind closed doors.
Only once that legislation is finished will she call Congress back into session and when that happens, she plans to hold the vote immediately.
That is why it is so important to fight back against this madness now. If we wait for Pelosi to officially schedule the vote, it will be too late to stop it.
Every day, we learn more and more about what Pelosi and the Dems are trying to sneak into this bill. Over the weekend, we received some bad news from our Congressional sources. The Far Left wants to use this next bill to not only restore the United Nations’ and World Health Organization’s funding, but it would also increase funding to the UN and WHO as well.
When President Trump discovered that the W.H.O. was covering up China’s lies about the coronavirus, he immediately suspended all funding. When he found out that the Obama administration actually sent millions in funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the laboratory where the virus is believed to have leaked out of, Trump put an emergency block on all future funding.
Instead, thanks to Trump’s swift action, those hundreds of millions will go to American health organizations, researchers, and non-profits. Democrats, of course, are furious and promising to restore and increase the funding to the UN and W.H.O. in the next stimulus package.
But here is where it gets really dangerous: These leftists have GOPers signing on as well!
When Congress was negotiating the 2.2 trillions stimulus package last month, Democrats demanded that it include three-quarters of a billion in new foreign aid funding. Pelosi actually held up the bill, causing American businesses to close down, all so she could get a bailout for organizations like the Peace Corps and the United Nations.
The Democrats won that fight. They got 760 million appropriated for foreign aid. That included 350 million in funding for the State Department’s “Migration and Refugee Assistance” program. That’s right, the Leftists actually added foreign refugee funding to an American stimulus bill.
But the GOP let it happen. The bill — with the foreign aid funding — passed 419-6 in the House and 96-0 in the Senate. The Leftists demanded the foreign aid funding and the GOP rolled over and gave it to them…
Now, Democrats want to do it again and restore all of the United Nations and World Health Organization funding that Trump cut last month.
This is the same W.H.O. that parroted Chinese Communist Party talking points and claimed in January that the coronavirus couldn’t spread person-to-person. The same W.H.O. that has allowed China to investigate itself, instead of forcing their way in. The same W.H.O. that accused Trump of racism and xenophobia for closing the borders and then not-so-subtly accused Trump of mass murder for cutting their funding. These Globalists don’t deserve a cent.
But the Democrats now want to send the UN and W.H.O. more funding than ever before. That’s right, not only would the Left’s plan restore the funding that Trump cut, but it would also raise our “donations” to the UN and W.H.O. to the highest level ever seen…
The GOP caved when the Left forced through foreign aid funding last time. Now, the Republican cowards are caving again!
President Trump is making good on his promise to put America first. He is making sure that the Federal government prioritizes helping the American people.
But that doesn’t mean he has ended all foreign aid. Trump’s message has been clear. After the American people are taken care of — and only after — the United States is more than happy to help other countries. For example, now that we have a surplus of ventilators, the President has authorized ventilators to be sent to countries that desperately need them. But the key point is that these are surplus; more than we need to take care of ourselves.
The Democrats’ plan, however, does the opposite. Their plan would put the United Nations and World Health Organization first, forcing the Federal government to send them billions in funding instead of using it to help the American people.
The Left got their foreign aid increase passed the first time. They are already celebrating that the GOPers have agreed to roll over again!
Say NO to the Left’s foreign aid scheme!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily