“When we took our trip to Africa and visited his home country in Kenya….”- First Lady Michelle Obama speaking of President Obama’s birthplace in 2008
The evidence is mounting and still the Obama Administration stonewalls the American people when it comes to PROVING that he is eligible to be President of the United States! Questions surrounding his Constitutional eligibility began almost immediately after Obama announced his bid for the White House in 2007. What was once a slow trickle of information is quickly becoming a powerful river of evidence that paints a very different picture as to Obama’s past than the one he and his liberal media cronies want you to hear!
Last week, a prominent conservative website unleashed a shocking new piece to the Obama eligibility puzzle in the form of a booklet printed in 1991 by Obama’s own literary agency containing a short biography about Obama. The aim of this biography was to extol the many virtues of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., noting that he was the first African-American President of Harvard Law Review. But one chilling statement jumps off the page: “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.” If true, it proves that Obama has lied to the American people since day one and adds fuel to the fire that his real objective is to turn the United States into a socialist regime!
The booklet was release in 1991 by the “Acton & Dystel Agency”, Obama’s literary agency until 2007. It demonstrates that Obama’s own biographers believed he was born in Kenya; so much so that they included that fact in his official literary biography. The literary agency kept this same position regarding Obama’s place of birth until 2007; coincidentally, when Obama decided change our Republic into a socialist regime from the inside by lying to the American people and running for President!
In responding to reports on Barack Hussein Obama’s printed biography, Mariam Goderich, speaking on behalf of the Acton & Dystel Agency, stated that the biography was merely a “fact-checking error’. Ms. Goderich’s cover story might hold water had other evidence not been uncovered to show that the literary agency was still using the same biography for Obama in 2003 and again in 2007!! That’s a 16 year mistake in more than one publication by a company whose job it is to be accurate with facts?
Indeed, a leading internet news source has uncovered web pages dating from 2003 created by the Acton & Dystel Agency. The web pages claim that Obama was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. In fact, the literary agent used the Kenyan birthplace language when promoting Barack Obama’s book “Dreams From My Father” in 2007! This language was only changed AFTER Obama began running for President of the United States.
And that’s not all! In 2004, the Associated Press ran a story on Obama that described him as “Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama”. This isn’t a small local newspaper that ran a story with factual mistakes; this was the Associated Press!! In fact, the Associated Press website prides itself for its “objective, accurate journalism”. For the first four and a half decades of his life, it seems Barack Obama and those around him believed he was born in Kenya. It looks like ambition and the lust for power created the incentive to lie and cheat the American people. This is a man who has shown that he will do ANYTHING to create a socialist government in the United States of America. He MUST be stopped!!
All of this comes on the heels of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s investigation into the long form birth certificate released by the Obama Administration. Sheriff Arpaio is the head law enforcement officer in Maricopa County, Arizona. After several concerned citizens asked him to investigate irregularities in President Obama’s long form birth certificate, Sheriff Arpaio put together a team to assess the validity of the document. They concluded that the document shows signs of forgery. (To read more about Sheriff Arpaio and his findings click here: https://conservative-daily.com/2012/04/20/is-obama-constitutionally-eligible-to-be-president/) Is it possible that a sitting President defrauded the public by releasing a forged document aimed to falsely prove his Constitutional eligibility to be President?! If so, what does this say about our “President”?! More importantly, what will he do if he is reelected and has nothing to lose?!
Folks, the evidence is mounting. It seems like everyday we get more insight into the “President’s” true past; a past that seems to be vastly different than the one Obama wants you to believe. Why won’t he just release his physical birth certificate for public scrutiny? What does he have to hide? If he is willing to lie about his place of birth, what else is he willing to lie about?
It is becoming clear that Obama will say and do anything to stay in power. He has become the most dangerous kind of man: one with an insatiable hunger for control and the organization, rhetoric, and charisma to prevail. He is a socialist looking to destroy our form of government and TAKE away ALL of your civil liberties!!
He is a snake in the grass, a spider in the corner waiting for its opportunity to strike. To fight against his despotic socialist agenda we must remain ever vigilant, even in the face of liberal media criticism. It is our generation whom history will either laud or blame for the preservation or destruction of the American Republic. We each have to decide what legacy we want to leave for our children and grandchildren. Obama has drawn a line in the sand; will you fight for democracy or allow Obama to turn our country into another socialist failure?