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The UN’s ARROGANT attempt to steal our First Amendment rights!!


VETO the United Nation’s GLOBAL INTERNET CENSORSHIP proposal that would allow the United Nations to GOVERN and CENSOR the Internet INSIDE the United States!!!


Last week, we uncovered a major story regarding the United Nations’ (UN) push for centralized command, control, and censorship of the world’s internet.  The United States Congress is currently debating this proposal in the U.S House of Representatives.  Essentially, lawmakers will be discussing whether or not to hand over your First Amendment rights to the UN!

The UN was initially created to be arbiters of peace and a place where differences could be ironed out by debate rather than bullets; those days seem to be long gone.  Today, the UN is multinational organization that believes it has the right to control not only YOUR life and the lives of your family and friends, but the lives of every person on the planet.  The UN, once a noble endeavor, has turned into nothing more than a sleazy power grab so drunk on its own arrogance that they believe they have the right to control the Constitutional First Amendment rights of Americans!

The UN would have to be drunk if they think they are getting our rights without a fight!  While we have a President who bows and apologizes to foreign leaders at the drop of a hat, American pride still runs deep in our country and I am CERTAIN that the proud citizens of this country will not stop until they make sure their rights are protected from the socialist-imperialist threat of the UN.

DEMAND that CONGRESS VETOES the UN’s Global Internet Censorship proposal!!  We are a SOVEREIGN nation and we will NOT allow the UN to trample our Constitutional rights!!

So who is making the push that would give the UN unilateral control and censorship power of the internet?  Is it the democratic bastions of freedom like the United States or Great Britain?  Nope.  The big push is coming from the world’s most powerful and least democratic dictatorships!

China, Russia and Brazil are the primary proponents of this measure; a trio of nations known all too well for their hatred of free speech.  Now Putin, Chavez and Hu Jintao want to take control of your First Amendment Internet free speech!!  We MUST stop them now!

If they are not stopped, if the UN controls the flow of electronic information through the United States then we will effectively become subjects of the UN; begging for scraps from the Socialist table.  Why would we PURPOSEFULLY neuter ourselves?!

DEMAND that CONGRESS VETOES the UN’s Global Internet Censorship proposal!!  We are a SOVEREIGN nation and we will NOT allow the UN to trample our Constitutional rights!!

What will it be like to have the internet under the control of nations like China via the UN?  Well, just last week we saw the Chinese commitment to censorship and their absolute hatred of free speech.  With the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square uprising happening on June 4th, the Chinese Communist government decided they needed to further censor their internet and removed search terms for nearly anything that might bring up Tiananmen Square.

The Chinese government is famous for the vast amount of censorship of their own people; what will they do when they have complete control of the electronic information in the United States?  The answer is absolutely terrifying: our Constitutional freedoms and the country we love so much will destroyed; in its place will be nothing more than a Communist tribute to the UN and China!!

We must tell our Congressmen that we will NEVER accept UN control over our Constitutional freedoms!   Every Congressman must be aware that a vote for UN internet control is a vote for censorship and against Constitutional free speech; a vote for UN control on the internet in the United States is in complete derivation of the lawmaker’s oath of office swearing to protect the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic!!

DEMAND that CONGRESS VETOES the UN’s Global Internet Censorship proposal!!  We are a SOVEREIGN nation and we will NOT allow the UN to trample our Constitutional rights!!



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