The United Nations is SECRETLY planning to institute an illegal INTERNET TAX on AMERICAN companies as part of their Marxist scheme to COMPLETELY control the WORLD WIDE WEB!!!
It is often said that the “quiet ones” are the most dangerous. Loud mouths are predictable; their trouble you can see coming a mile away. But the quiet ones are insidious; the chaos they create is, by design, unforeseeable and the effects quite often are devastating.
Why is this? Simple: the quiet ones plan their attacks months and years into the future; they are patient and accept small victories. They realize that large, public demonstrations of power rarely change the world; their success is aggregate in nature. Like stop-motion movies, their advances are small, almost unnoticeable until the end when all the pieces fit together to form a story. These advances silently build upon themselves until their success itself ultimately destroys the silence and it is already too late to defend against the chaos. One failure will not endanger the whole mission; in fact, a failed venture is seen a test run for eventual success.
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The United Nations (UN) is an example of one of the “quiet ones”. At Conservative-Daily, we have been researching and studying UN policy for sometime now. We have warned you about UN attempts to steal your guns, your freedom of speech, and even our national Capitalist philosophy. With every story and blog, no matter how unrelated the subject matter, they are always in some way connected. Each small victory for the UN is like another puzzle piece that somehow fits into a much larger and more dangerous plan for the world. We won’t speculate as to what the actual plan is; we allow the reader to decide for him or herself. But we will point out the individual puzzle pieces. Today’s story is a big one!
Last week a leading technology website published a story detailing a secret UN plan to illegally tax American internet companies for the “privilege of serving non-US users”. This proposal, if adopted, will make the UN the proverbial troll guarding the bridge; if you want to pass you have to pay the toll. When did Congress give the UN the right to tax United States based companies?
Two policy analysts at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University initially uncovered this bombshell. They leaked the secret UN documents discussing the UN internet tax proposal on their website WCITLeaks; WCITLeaks, an independent wiki-leaks type experiment, is not affiliated with the Mercatus Center or George Mason University according to the analysts.
According to the documents provided in the leak dump, the proposal is being shepherded through the UN by the European Telecommunications Network Operators Association (ETNO); after the story broke, the ETNO conceded this fact on its website. The ETNO are the European competitors of American internet companies!!! If passed, the proposal will give taxing power to the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), another UN agency.
This is an obvious attack against American companies. We CANNOT let this stand!! This is nothing more than a global tariff so that ETNO companies can unfairly hurt and steal business from US based companies!! We must tell Congress to stand up for America; if the UN proposal passes Congress must statutorily cancel any and all funding for UN activities!!!
Does the ITU sound familiar? It should, it is the SAME agency that is attempting to censor the internet INSIDE the United States and WORLDWIDE (to read more click here: The ITU’s actions are nothing more than an attempt to steal power from sovereign nations; the consolidated power to TAX and REGULATE the internet would immediately make the ITU one of the most powerful agencies in the world!! Dress a pig up and it is still a pig; this is no high-minded plot to help developing countries, this is a good old fashioned power grab!! We must tell Congress that we will not subjects of the UN!!
The power to control the internet is essentially the power to control the flow of information throughout the world. Information is more valuable than oil or gold; allowing the UN the power to control, regulate, and tax the internet would mean putting our national lives in the hands of a foreign governing body. We are Americans; we must tell Congress that we will never accept foreign rule!! Congress must stand up for American companies and American sovereignty!
We cannot let the UN have this victory! We must NEVER allow ourselves to be the subject of ANY foreign taxing body. Otherwise, what was the purpose of the American Revolution? To be certain, we are spoiled by the freedoms and financial bounty provided by the Constitution and our Capitalist-based society, but we must not be lulled to sleep by our fat bellies for the wolves will come at night!
If the UN has its way, the United States will be Capitalists in name only. The UN’s attempt to regulate and tax the internet is more than just a simple power grab; there are dark agents at work in the shadows. Here is a quote from the UN regarding these internet taxes:
“…to ensure an adequate return on investment in high bandwidth infrastructures, operating agencies shall negotiate commercial agreements to achieve a sustainable system of fair compensation for telecommunications services”
The more we look into the plans set out by the UN, the more we see this idea of “sustainable development” or “sustainable systems”. The idea of sustainability seems to permeate every current UN policy proposal; including Agenda 21 and this Internet tax.
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“Sustainability”, the word sounds innocuous enough; in fact is SOUNDS like a really good idea. But like checking your children’s candy after they go trick or treating, we must look closer at every policy that the UN tries to shove down our throats. The bad guy never just drops the razor blade in the children’s bag hoping that he or she will cut their hand. No, they wrap it up in something sugary and sweet in an effort to hide the anomaly; causing maximum damage when the child puts the candy in their mouth and swallows. That’s exactly what “sustainable development” and like sounding UN concepts truly are; a Marxist razor blade wrapped in candy ready to cut into American prosperity.
What is so dangerous about this idea of “sustainability”? Take a moment and think about what the word REALLY means. What’s it called when a government body, using top down governance, regulates policy areas and dictates how products will be bought and sold? Or, to put it another way, what do you call the form a government where the government dictates the economy and controls the means of production? COMMUNISM!! That’s EXACTLY what the idea of sustainability means!
The term “Communism” is no longer en vogue and is rightfully used pejoratively in most democratic societies. Therefore, the UN had to find language that would be palatable to the citizens of the world; a term that democracies, like the United States, wouldn’t immediately link to the UN’s Marxist ideals.
The UN started using the idea “sustainable development” when dealing with environmental issues. It worked so well they began including the term in many of their policy proposals in an effort to hide the true nature of their Marxist programs. In doings so, the UN quietly usurped the powers of sovereign nations!! We told you the UN was one of the “quiet ones”.
This is serious. We can’t stand by and allow American companies to be on the receiving end of a global tariff created to hurt the American economy, hurt American businesses and hurt America prosperity! This power grab will not only give the UN far too much control over world politics, but it will also hurt Americans; more taxes equal fewer jobs which equals a weaker economy. We must tell Congress to statutorily cancel any UN funding if this global internet tax passes!!
Tony Adkins