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Terrorists could hijack domestic drones and replicate 9/11, study finds

Click here to fax Congress in support of S. 3287 before terrorists are able to hijack and “weaponize” military drones over American airspace


Over the last few months, Conservative-Daily has been tracking several stories surrounding military drones and their use over American skies.  These drones create constitutional dilemmas regarding the 4th Amendment as well as ethical questions as to why law enforcement agencies need to use military drones in the first place (to read more, click here:

This week added a new wrinkle to the continuing drone saga: Fox News reported that military drones are vulnerable to terrorist hijackings!  This information should effectuate a paradigm shift when considering the use of drones in US airspace; initially, it was only a question of constitutionality and ethics, now we must consider the physical safety of American citizens and United States infrastructure.

Click here to fax Congress in support of S. 3287 before terrorists are able to hijack and “weaponize” military drones over American airspace

According to Fox News, a team of scientists at the University of Texas successfully hijacked the controls of a military drone and used it as a missile.  According to the scientists involved, with the right equipment, anyone (including terrorists) can “spoof” a GPS receiver and take control of a military drone.  These spoofs take over navigation computers and feed them with false information that looks real.  This allows the drone to be seamlessly hijacked and used for whatever nefarious purposes the hijacker has in mind; and the navigation computer controlling the drone has no idea anything is amiss.

Here is the most frightening aspect of all: the most advanced spoof only costs about $1,000 easily within the price range of malignant terrorist entities inside the United States!!

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As we reported in May, the Air Force was already using armed drones INSIDE the United States.  These drones are capable of carrying and deploying several types of dangerous missiles, including the Hellfire missile.  Further, Air Force Policy Directive 14-1 allows for incidental reconnaissance of US citizens while these drones are in use.  Armed, military drones are currently flying missions over US skies and can be easily hijacked and used as weapons to attack Americans on United States soil!!

Click here to fax Congress in support of S. 3287 before terrorists are able to hijack and “weaponize” military drones over American airspace

Thanks to your continued grassroots efforts, we won’t be fighting the battle against domestic drone use alone.  Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) introduced a bill into the US Senate which would require that the government get a judge issued warrant before these beasts of war can be unleashed on US citizens.

The bill, S.3287, is entitled ‘‘Preserving Freedom from Unwarranted Surveillance Act of 2012”.  The legislation would require that a judge issued warrant, except in the case of imminent danger to human life must precede any use of domestic drones.  The drones may also be used for patrolling US borders.

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The Unwarranted Surveillance Act will also turn any evidence that is garnered using drones, without a proper warrant, into fruit from the poisonous tree; that is, it cannot be used as evidence to that specific crime in a court of law.  Further, victims of unwarranted, “peeping Tom” domestic drone espionage will be able to sue state and Federal governments in court!

We need your voice our support for Senator Paul’s bill.  Instruments of war such as military drones should not be flying over schools, churches and malls when they can be easily hijacked.

Lawmakers who provide true conservative leadership must be supported and rewarded by their like-minded nationwide constituency.  We cannot sit idly by and watch as their legislation withers on the vine!  Support S. 3287 today!!

Click here to fax Congress in support of S. 3287 before terrorists are able to hijack and “weaponize” military drones over American airspace

Our forefather’s created the greatest system of government the world has ever known.  It has brought undue prosperity to the United States.  It took the power away from the government and gave it to the people.  Since the power is in our hands, it is the responsibility of each one of us to make sure that our Republic is preserved.  It is OUR job to stand up for our principles and preserve our democracy!  If we want smaller government, more freedom, and wish to eliminate the liberal authoritarian presence in our country we must support true conservative leadership!  Their courageous actions must be rewarded by our vigilance!

Once again, we thank you, our readers, for making a difference!!  Getting a bill sponsored in the Senate is no small feat, but our work isn’t done.  We must continue to apply pressure until Orwellian liberals who see the Constitution as a roadblock to their own political ambitions are no longer trampling our rights.  We must protect our families, friends, and property from the dangers of a 9/11 type terrorist attack using our drones as weapons of terror.  Support Sen. Paul and S. 3287 and together we can bring sanity back to the United States Congress!!

Click here to fax Congress in support of S. 3287 before terrorists are able to hijack and “weaponize” military drones over American airspace


Tony Adkins


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