On August 15th, Obama’s Executive Order Gave Amnesty to More Than One Million Illegals … Including Criminals!
…and now ten Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials are suing Obama in federal court, because they are unable to properly do what they were hired to do.
Their lawsuit claims Obama’s self-decreed executive order that allows millions of illegals safe harbor in the U.S.:
- Infringes on Congress’s right to set immigration policy;
- Forces ICE agents to ignore the law;
- Means the Homeland Security Department is not following the federal Administrative Procedure Act, because such a big decision was undertaken without the public being allowed to comment.
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Obama’s new decree that illegals are allowed to “defer deportation” means ICE employees must violate their oaths of office and ignore a 1996 law that requires they get proof of legal status from those they suspect are here without proper documentation.
If they choose to do their job, they risk being reprimanded by superiors and being fired.
Chris Crane, President of the National ICE Council, says employees “feel like they’ve become the enemy because literally we have this situation where individuals that have broken U.S. immigration law as well as often times criminal law at the state or local level — they’re being released, no questions asked, but our own officers are being threatened with their careers being taken away if they go out and enforce the laws on the books.”
“They’re punishing law enforcement officers who are just trying to uphold U.S. law, said Crane. “We feel like the administration is against us and not the people who are violating our laws.”
Obama has repeatedly made it impossible for ICE officials to do what they are supposed to do, and that is to prevent illegal aliens from entering this country, and to deport those who get caught here. Morale among ICE agents is, expectedly, “ in the toilet,” according to a recent report.
Fax Congress and Stop Obama’s Amnesty
Obama, Pelosi and Reid tried to get the DREAM Act through Congress, but they were unsuccessful. That is when Obama took matters into his own hands and implemented an executive order granting amnesty, even expanding the parameters of the original DREAM Act that Congress rejected. The door has been opened now for illegal aliens to go to school, take jobs, and vote—even if they are criminals.
That is Obama’s plan to win the Hispanic vote. Desperate to win re-election in November and unable to run on his dismal record, Obama continues to divide America in order to conquer another four years in the White House.
Senator Sessions calls Obama’s plan “a direct threat to the rule of law and to the demonstrated desire of the American people for a lawful system of immigration.´ Sessions says Obama has “debilitated enforcement – placing every officer in a conflict between his duty to enforce the law – and the policies of his supervisors. If this stays in effect, I’d say this ends the ability to have effective border security.”
Consider the implications of Obama’s plan. Aside from allowing millions of people inside our borders that we know nothing about, we are inviting criminal behavior. Already, an illegal immigrant who injured an ICE agent during an attempted escape was released because he wasn’t a “priority target.”
And in Newark, Delaware, a veteran ICE agent is facing a 3-day suspension because he picked up an illegal immigrant for a traffic violation and found the man had ten previous violations. Under Obama’s orders, the man was not considered a priority and was supposed to be let go. Believing the man was a threat to the community, and wanting to carry out his job of border enforcement, the ICE agent refused. Now, the American citizen agent is facing a suspension and the 35 year-old illegal immigrant has been released.
And, this will also cost us jobs. Roy Beck is the executive director of Numbers USA, who is funding the lawsuit. He argues that Obama’s amnesty will further destroy our economy and lead to more Americans out of work. “Without immigration enforcement, the labor market would be filled until wages fell either to the global average or the federal minimum wage. These agents are protecting every working American’s level of income and wages.”
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If an illegal is caught using a stolen or fraudulent Social Security number, they won’t be charged with a crime, and they can stay in the U.S.
If an illegal claims they are under 30, and they were brought to this country as a child, they can stay in the U.S. – and they do not have to prove anything.
Fax Congress and Stop Obama’s Amnesty
The American people are going to be much more unsafe because of Obama’s shameless pandering. Sure, you or a family member could be killed or injured in an accident involving an illegal immigrant, but traffic violations are just the tip of the iceberg. Consider the time, pain, and expense of having to deal with an illegal immigrant using your Social Security number, as a mother of a 3 year-old’s stolen number just discovered.
Consider the jobs you and your neighbor are unable to take because an illegal alien beat you to it.
The Department of Homeland Security has refused to answer questions about Obama’s amnesty order.
Don’t you think we deserve answers? And don’t we deserve a President who keeps us safe and protects American citizens above those who have illegally entered this country?
Fax Congress and Stop Obama’s Amnesty and Sign the Petition Online
Tony Adkins
Conservative Daily