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U.N. Takeover Of America’s Sovereignty

“Agenda 21 proposes an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by every person on Earth…it calls for specific changes in the activities of all people… Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced… ” Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet (Earthpress, 1993).

The U.S. is on the verge of a takeover by the United Nations. Little by little, global bureaucrats, emboldened by the encouragement of our current President, are looking for ways to regulate and weaken the American way of life. Our current President will not honor our Constitution or the Founders’ ideals for America, so it is up to you and me to shine a spotlight on this danger and stop United Nations encroachment upon our liberties!

First, the U.N. passed their Small Arms Treaty weeks ago, and the event went largely unreported by the media. The treaty’s ostensible purpose is to prevent terrorists and radical regimes from acquiring weapons. But you and I know these types of people will never have any problem getting weapons. Law-abiding citizens like you and me, who wish to own firearms for protection and recreation, will suffer.

Ultimately, the treaty’s goal is to further disarm and weaken the United States of America. If the Senate ratifies this U.N. Treaty and turns gun control over to the United Nations, it will mean that foreign nations—including our enemies—will have control over your freedoms and your right to own and operate a firearm.

That is why we are fighting for the passage of S. 2205 and H.R. 4846, bills that will protect our Second Amendment from any U.N. treaty and keep our sovereignty in place.

Fax Congress Now!

But, the Small Arms Treaty is only the tip of the iceberg. The United Nations is working behind the scenes of communities across America, with the support of George Soros, to fundamentally change the way you live. Decisions are being made as you read this that will impact your property rights, your transportation options, even how many children you choose to have—and you have been given absolutely no say in the matter!

Only 15 percent of Americans know about the chilling program known as “Agenda 21.” It is a blueprint for changing the way we “live, eat, learn and communicate,” broken into 8 sections addressing every single area a human being could possibly impact during their time on earth: agriculture, ecosystem, education, energy and housing, population, public health, recycling, and transportation.

The goal of Agenda 21 is “sustainability;” the authors want every societal decision to be based on its environmental impact. Because you, my fellow human being, are a big fat problem when it comes to our planet. If the goals of this program sound vague, it’s because they are. And if this sounds like it could be a global “green” initiative that could impact everything you do in life, it’s because that is the end goal: to get you under control and out of the way of the Earth’s “progress.”

What you need to know is this is not just a lofty goal of bureaucrats at the U.N.; Agenda 21 is probably being implemented in your city or town right now, through a partnership with the ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (formally, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives), funded heavily by George Soros.

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Agenda 21 began in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. President George H.W. Bush signed it, and then in 1995, President Bill Clinton issued Executive Order #12858 creating the President’s Council on Sustainable Development so the U.S. could start lining up our environmental policy with Agenda 21 directives.

And you better watch out: the U.N. admits your life is about to change. Harvey Ruvin, Vice Chairman of ICLEI said, “Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.”

The U.N. “m.o.” is to work consistently on under the radar issues and then pass some grand plan America is expected to sign on to—and usually, to fund as well! The definition of “social justice” to the U.N. is taking America’s wealth and redistributing it around the world—and then, rearranging our society to ensure that same great wealth doesn’t come around again! You see it’s not fair for one person to own private property if someone else doesn’t have any. It’s not fair to run your air conditioner whenever you want if someone else has to cut back. Don’t you remember Obama telling us we shouldn’t think we were going to be able to keep our thermostats the way we want them and drive our SUV’s? Well…Agenda 21 is invading our cities and towns and implementing regulations that will make sure Obama and the U.N. keep us in line with their worldview.

Maurice Strong, who was Secretary General of the U.N.’s Earth Summit, said at the conference in 1992, “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work air conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.”

The U.N. is telling us exactly how they are planning to change the United States and our way of life, but only 15% of Americans are aware of it!

That is why your help is needed immediately to bring their agenda to the forefront and get Americans involved. Share this message, and fax Congress. As proud citizens of this great nation, we must fight for our Constitution and remind our leaders to do the same.

Fax Congress Now!

While it may seem inconceivable that our “leaders” would allow a world body like the United Nations to decimate our rights, it is definitely not out of the question, especially with Barack Obama in the White House! He was raised by people who disliked what America stood for, and all his actions and associations since then have demonstrated that he does not identify with the United States, nor does he feel pride in the American culture.

We need to spread the word about Agenda 21, and encourage people to contact Congress about the U.N.’s plans for our country. Congress needs to protect our Constitution, and that means they need to campaign for those who hold our liberty and sovereignty dear. We cannot afford the world visions of Barack Obama, George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder.

Congress needs to get engaged on these issues, and quickly. Barack Obama cannot be re-elected, or we risk four more years of him cozying up to the United Nations and issuing Executive Orders that will take away more of our freedoms. Look at the ways our country has changed in the last four years. Can you imagine what it will look like if Obama gets another term?

Let’s do all we can to save America from those trying to destroy us. Opponents of the Constitution will not rest, and neither should those of us who value our Constitutional rights.

Fax Congress Now!


Tony Adkins
Conservative Daily

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