Sean Smith. Tyrone S. Woods. Glen Doherty. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. These are the names of the American heroes killed in the terrorist attack on the US embassy in Benghazi, Libya. These are names that our nation should never forget. They represent the best of us; the selfless and enduring spirit of Americans that stand together and won’t back down, no matter the odds. These names should be memorialized and taught to children in history classes.
President Barack Obama. Vice President Joe Biden. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Secretary of Defense Leon Panentta. These are the four moral cowards who allowed our heroes to be killed and dragged through the streets of Benghazi. These are the men and women who, while sitting safely in their ivory tower, made the decision to let them be murdered while they subsequently covered up the story for election purposes. Now Hillary is too busy drinking wine in Australia to face Congressional hearings investigating Obama and her failure in Benghazi.
For those of you who may not be aware, on September 11, 2012 terrorists attacked the United States again. This time the attack did not occur within the borders of the US, but instead it came in the form of an attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Four people were murdered in the attack; including American Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens.
In the aftermath of the attack, President Obama publicly stated that the impetus behind the violence was civilians protesting a film depicting the Muslim prophet Mohammed. In doing so, he knowingly and willingly lied to the American people. As we will demonstrate later, the Obama Administration knew that Al-Qaeda had orchestrated the attack. President Barack Hussein Obama decided to lie to the American people so that he might not lose face during his bid for reelection. Americans were murdered and Obama was worried about keeping his job.
After the election, President Obama finally admitted that the attack was terrorist related and not spontaneous. Then finally, this Week, the House Intelligence Committee is holding hearings to discuss the Democratic failures that lead to the Benghazi tragedy. But get this; Secretary of State Hillary Clinton won’t be attending.
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That’s right; the woman who is responsible for four dead American is refusing to attend a Congressional hearing because she wants to get tipsy and play the didgeridoo in Australia rather than face the American people. Apparently, the Obama Administration thinks that we are just going to let them sweep Benghazi under the rug and forget about the terrorist attack that could have been prevented had Clinton and Obama been more worried about the country and less worried about their jobs for the next four years.
As stated earlier, sources have confirmed that the President knew that the sacking of the embassy in Libya was a preplanned terrorist attack by Al-Qaeda almost immediately after the attack took place based on White House emails. But let’s be honest, anyone looking at the facts in an unbiased fashion knew that this was a terrorist attack from the start. Further, the President of Libya came out and said it was a terrorist attack; yet Obama still obfuscated the truth and kept lying to all of us so that this latest foreign policy failure wouldn’t hurt his polling numbers. He has been caught in a lie to the American people. The question remains, what else has he lied about?
Let’s not forget, Libya is the same country where President Obama spiked the football after former Libyan dictator Muammar Gadhafi was deposed and later killed. In typical Obama fashion, he took credit for the success of others. Unfortunately, after the celebration, he didn’t bother to properly secure the American Embassy. The US Ambassador killed in the attack, J. Christopher Stevens, wrote in his diary that he was on an Al-Qaeda kill list and feared an imminent terrorist attack. Did the President or Secretary Clinton pay attention to the Ambassador’s concerns? Nope. In fact, the week before the terrorist attack, Obama didn’t bother to attend a single intelligence briefing, despite actionable intelligence warning of a possible active terror cell in Libya ready to strike American interests.
Think that’s bad? Since President Obama was inaugurated he has skipped over 66% of his intelligence briefings. Unbelievable! In a post 9/11 world, it is unfathomable that a sitting President would care so little for the lives of the American people that he would put their safety on the backburner so that he might keep his job.
There are even reports saying that there was actionable intelligence more than a week before the tragic events transpired. Yet Obama did NOTHING. He allowed Americans to die so that he could save his job. His Presidency will forever be marred with the blood of American martyrs.
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Stand with us and demand a FULL Congressional investigation. Demand that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attend the hearing and take responsibility. Lives have been lost, lies told, and injustice has been served. It is time Congress reigns in our Secretary of State and demands that she do her job. We are also demanding that Congress open up the possibility of criminal charges against any parties in the Executive branch who may have broken the law to cover up a terrorist attack. We hope that you will stand with us. Our fallen patriots deserve better and we hope you will add your voice to ours so that their sacrifice won’t be made in vain. Fax Congress today and demand a full investigation!
Tony Adkins