When Barack Obama appointed three officials to the National Labor Relations Board in January 2012 without Senate approval he was acting unconstitutionally, according to U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington.
In a unanimous ruling, U.S. Circuit Judge David Sentelle wrote, “Considering the text, history and structure of the Constitution, these appointments were invalid from their inception.”
. Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution gives the President authority to appoint senior federal officials if the Senate is in recess. In this case, they were not.
Obama has willfully ignored our laws. He ordered his Justice Department to no longer enforce the Defense of Marriage Act, and has consistently refused to allow States to enforce immigration law. He ignored the WARN Act just before the election. He refused to prosecute New Black Panther Party members who disenfranchised voters in Pennsylvania. He will not allow illegal immigrants married to homosexuals to be deported. And he oversaw the huge Fast and Furious Operation and subsequent cover-up, an illegal operation meant to gain support for gun control that led to the deaths of several Americans.
He has violated Habeas Corpus by signing into law the National Defense Authorization Act, which allows the government to detain United States citizens without a trial.
And he authorized the use of military force in Libya without Congressional approval, and Members of Congress are worried he is going to do the same thing in Syria. Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution reserves for Congress alone the power to declare war. After criticism Obama said, “I don’t even have to get to the Constitutional question.” He claimed the United Nations (U.N.) Security Council authorized his declaration. The last time we checked, our Constitution does not give the United Nations the power to declare war in this country.
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Our Declaration of Independence is the document our Founders created when they decided to throw off the chains of England and become a free country. If you read what it says, you will find that we are in a similar situation now, only our monarchy is not overseas in England, it sits at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, in the Oval Office, making a mockery of our country and our Constitution on a daily basis.
He is openly threatening our Second Amendment and making a mockery out of every freedom we are guaranteed under our founding documents.
A week ago, he took the oath of office again, and with his hand on two bibles, promised to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” What a lie that was. The American people find themselves in a battle of wills with the President of the United States. On one side are our freedoms, and our Constitution; on the other, a man who has proven he will ignore that document at all costs and act as he pleases, without regard to consequence.
Rep. Trey Radel said, “It is one of those times in our history, we are at this breaking point. “We have completely lost our checks and balances in this country, the Congress needs to hold the president accountable for the decisions that he’s making right now…all options should be on the table.”
Many Americans have been worried about Obama’s dictator-like behavior since his first term. But now, Members of Congress are getting concerned. Even Democrats are threatening impeachment should Obama continue to act on his own. This is a good thing. Congress should be upset that he is ignoring our legislative branch of government, and they should know that we the people are watching how they behave as Obama runs over our laws.
The Court of Appeals ruling is also a good thing, because it means the judicial branch of government is putting a check on Obama’s actions. We have to keep up the pressure. Our Declaration of Independence states, “…when a long train of abuses and usurpations…evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. —“
Barack Obama may not believe in the Declaration of Independence, but we do. It is time to make Obama answer for his crimes against America. For another four years, America will be burdened with a President who refuses to uphold the law of the land—unless we stand together as American citizens and demand a lawful leader.
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