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You are Under Surveillance

Domestic drones SPY on everyday Americans!

Avoiding the national debate over drones being used for attacks against terrorists, let’s look at “domestic drones.”  YES, your government is literally SPYING on you.  Innocent American citizens are being spied on by thousands of unmanned drones that are in use today hovering over the United States of America.

No, we are not talking about drones being used to look for al-Qaida terrorists in the mountains.  We are talking about everyday Americans. 


Government over-reach has now reached historic proportions. 


Spying on U. S. citizens is against what our forefathers wrote in the United States Constitution.  In short—your privacy is being invaded.  Your right to privacy has been breached.  And we must fight back against this government over-reach!  We must put the entire Congress ON NOTICE by faxing them, urging them to regulate the runaway advance of drones in the skies of the United States of America!  Our Fourth Amendment guarantees against unlawful search.

The burgeoning, new domestic industry –$5 billion-plus–of drones has reached devastating proportions.

Many states, and their attorney generals, are trying to fight back.  It must be moved up to federal regulations.  We don’t want one state looking at everyone, while another does not.  Privacy safeguards must be established by our United States Congress.

It is rare that Conservatives agree with both the New York Times and the American Civil Liberties Union, but this drone subject might be an exception.  The New York Times reports: “The unmanned aircraft that most people associate with hunting terrorists and striking targets in Pakistan are on the brink of evolving into a big domestic industry.  The anticipated market includes tens of thousands of police, fire and other government agencies able to afford drones lighter than traditional aircraft and costing as little as $300.  Several surveillance drones are already used for border patrol, and the F.A.A. has allowed a few police departments to experiment narrowly, as in a ceiling of 400 feet for surveillance flights over the Everglades by the Miami Police Department.


“A.C.L.U.’s national office is warning that while drones could have many benefits like search-and-rescue work and tracking dangerous criminal situations, the law’s lack of privacy mandates will inevitably invite ‘pervasive surveillance’ of the public.”

The widespread use of domestic drones, spying on United States citizens over the U.S., represents a devastating intrusion into American life.  We must put a stop to this invasion of privacy—turning away from the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution—by faxing every member of the United States Congress.  Congress needs to take the lead from numerous states that seek to regulate this intrusion!  Almost two dozen states are reviewing potential laws against drone usage.  More states are seriously looking at introducing legislation. Congress must act!


Florida may be the first state to regulate surveillance drones.  State Senator Joe Negron, a powerful Republican who chairs the budget committee, has introduced a popular, bipartisan bill appropriately called the “Freedom from Unwarranted Surveillance Act” that would severely restrict the use of domestic drones.  Apparently, most Floridians care about protecting Fourth Amendment rights.  But many states are poised to follow the Florida lead.

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) flights over U.S. soil must be limited by federal law.  However, the FAA Modernization and Reform Act, signed into law in 2012, require the FAA to fully integrate the unmanned aerial vehicles into national airspace by September 2015.  With the growing number of private drones, accompanying by government usage, there comes an additional, pressing concern, just as much as our invasion of privacy: Safety in the airwaves!

Fox News’ Charles Krauthammer has taken a really hardcore position:  “I want a ban!”

But there is bipartisan, sensible opposition to domestic drones.  John Whitehead, a constitutional scholar and president of the Virginia-based Rutherford Institute passionately reflects: “What we used to know as privacy is finished.  Big Brother is here to stay!”

We want you to personally reflect on that statement:  BIG BROTHER IS HERE TO STAY!

The Obama Administration has approved almost FOUR TIMES as many drone strikes overseas as President George W. Bush.  His domestic drone position is sometimes vague, but obviously he “permits” the drone industry to absolutely flourish.  In many circles, “Big Brother” is “President Barack Obama!”


As of November 2012, the Federal Aviation Administration officially listed 345 active drone licenses.  We note the term, “Officially.” Congress has directed the federal department to streamline the approval process!  Starting in 2015, commercial entities will have easy access to drone permits!

We agree with the New York Times when they urge America: “The idea of watchful drones buzzing overhead like Orwellian gnats may seem far-fetched to some.  But Congress, in its enthusiasm for a new industry, should guarantee the strongest protection of privacy under what promises to be a galaxy of new eyes in the sky.”


At Conservative-Daily, we do our part every day. But we can’t do it alone. We need your voice now. Fax Congress. Help make sure that your children and your grandparents are not spied on by our own government!

Click Here to Fax Congress Today!

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Tony Adkins

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