You can add this to your list of, “I cannot believe someone actually said that.”
Former chairwoman and CEO of Playboy Enterprises, Christie Hefner—who is currently working with the George Soros organization Center for American Progress—was recently on MSNBC’s Morning Joe program. She was desperately trying to explain why Chicago has such a high murder rate from guns, outpacing even troop deaths in Afghanistan in all of 2012. This despite the fact that Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation.
Her answer: it’s hot. “Yes, last year we hit a record number of murders from guns [in Chicago],” Hefner, said. “And this year we are already outpacing last year’s numbers. Now, there are contributing factors that are not under anybody’s control and may seem odd, but it is factually true. One of them is actually the weather. There is a dramatic increase in gun violence when it is warmer. And we are having this climate change effect that is driving that.”
Now, we could pull out a whole bunch of statistics about Chicago’s weather (which has an average annual high temperature of 59 degrees Farenheit) and compare it to other, less violent cities that spend almost all of the year in sweltering heat and humidity, but it just isn’t worth it.
The only thing we need to do is contact Congress and stand up for our Second Amendment freedoms.
Liberals, feeling arrogant after Obama’s re-election, will say and do anything to defend their agenda, regardless of the lows they have to stoop to.
Obama has given his marching orders and faithful supporters such as Eric Holder and Rahm Emanuel are carrying them out. Emanuel, now the mayor of Chicago, has called for banks to stop lending to gun makers. It is their standard play of bullying and behind the scenes pressure. But, we’re on to them. And the louder we are, the more ridiculous they will look.
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Obama has never been a fan of the Second Amendment and his actions as President prove his intent is to take away your right to own a firearm, period. Eric Holder is his faithful foot soldier that famously said that gun owners should be made to “cower in shame.” While far-left weirdo’s go on television with their global warming conspiracy theories, Holder and Obama are hard at work in Washington with their executive orders and DOJ proposals designed to take away our rights with the stroke of a pen.
You know as well as I do that once they disarm us, it’s over. Stand up for freedom, protect yourself against tyranny and demand Congress honor the rights we are guaranteed under our Constitution. Every single Member of Congress needs to know that we will not compromise our Constitutional rights, and we will hold those who do accountable in 2014, 2016, and beyond.
Let’s hope the weather doesn’t get too rough in Washington, or Ms. Hefner may have to go on MSNBC and pontificate about the problems associated with the Department of Homeland Security ordering 21.6 million more rounds of ammunition on top of the 1.6 billion they have already acquired.
Never has the slippery slope theory been more relevant than with this issue. Once they disarm us, every right we are guaranteed under the Constitution will be up for grabs. If they take away one, they can take away others. It is imperative that we join together and refuse to allow Barack Obama to destroy our freedom.
Congress must know that we the people do not support gun control legislation. We must keep defending the Second Amendment and the reason for its existence, which is not recreational, as they would have you believe, but rather to protect citizens from a tyrannical federal government, the very likes of which we have seen under four years of Barack Hussein Obama.
But, Democrats just don’t get it. In fact, they can’t even get the Amendment right. Just the other day, Nancy “read it to find out what’s in it” Pelosi appeared on Fox News and said, “We avow the First Amendment. We stand with that and say that people have a right to have a gun to protect themselves in their homes and their jobs, whatever…”
Maybe we can blame something on the weather: the amazing ability of liberals to say absolutely outrageous things and do it with a straight face.
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