We know our rights!
The Legislative Branch is working against you!
Your guaranteed freedoms under the U.S. Constitution Second Amendment are at stake and in danger of being taken away; not only by our current administration, but due to “inaction” by various legislators.
NO ONE is paying any attention to the DICK ACT of 1902 (also known as the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654 – June 28, 1902) that cannot be repealed. This act states that gun control is forbidden. In fact, it INVALIDATES all so-called gun control laws. It is protection against tyrannical government (which we now have!). Obviously, there is legislation that has superseded this law; but the premise is there. The forefathers KNEW what they were writing when they wrote the Second Amendment!
The United States government is threatening to do away with our Second Amendment rights.
President Obama said, “If there is even one life that can be saved, then we’ve got an obligation to try.” We agree, however, how many additional lives could have been saved (like in Newtown, Connecticut) if well-armed, law-abiding citizens or teachers had the ability to protect not only themselves, but also the children in their care?
President Obama’s strong anti-gun agenda is not suddenly new. Even right after his first inauguration, he pushed forward the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, which would put very strict requirements on gun ownership in America, enforced by the United Nations! Due to that government over-reach by President Obama, U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (R-KS) introduced on March 19, 2012, S.2205, called the “Second Amendment Sovereignty Act of 2012.”
NO ONE is moving this important bill forward! Even after 22 Co-Sponsors in the Senate, it was referred to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Senator Harry Reid wants it to die in this committee. The House’s corresponding bill, H.R. 5846, still awaits movement by the United States Senate.
This bill expresses the sense of Congress that U.S. sovereignty and the constitutionally protected freedoms of American gun owners must be up held and not be undermined by a United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.
It would prohibit funds from being obligated or expended to use U.S. influence, in connection with negotiations for a United Nations Arms Trade Treaty, to restrict the rights of U.S. citizens under the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, or to otherwise regulate domestic manufacture, assembly, possession, use, transfer, or purchase of firearms, ammunition, or related items.
Yet, NO ONE is doing anything. It is stalled in the Senate Committee!
If gun control advocates think they can stop the Second Amendment they have another thing coming! Our forefathers knew exactly what they were doing! Our current administration is on the verge of tyranny when it comes to government over-reach and trying to scare Americans to thinking they need to limit gun ownership. Here is what one of our nation’s forefathers said, “Never trust a government that doesn’t trust its own citizens with guns.” That was Benjamin Franklin.
Let’s look at the Obama “gun control” recent history—
1. In “Fast and Furious,” Attorney General Eric Holder permitted thousands of assault weapons to be placed into the hands of the Mexican drug cartel!
2. Although we may never get the entire facts on this, the Benghazi terrorism massacre of four U.S. government officials experienced a blatant “government cover-up.” Many people, including U.S. senators, feel that Middle East gunrunning from Benghazi to jihadists was behind the deadly attack!
3. Just this week, brand new Secretary of State John Kerry did a sudden turnaround in saying that much-needed supplies would start going to the Syrian rebels. It is just a matter of time before guns are on that list.
4. Then there are the ongoing weapon sales to the Middle East. According to The Business Insider, “In 2011 the U.S. sold $33.4 billion worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia and $1.7 billion to Qatar as sales tripled to a record high and accounted for nearly 78 percent of all global arms sales. ‘The opposition groups that are receiving most of the lethal aid are exactly the ones we don’t want to have it,’ one American official familiar with the situation told the New York Times.
Yet President Obama refuses to arm school officials and teachers who are literally on the first line of defense against any violence against school children!
This is not about guns. This is about outright, federal control. This federal over-reach is all about taking away our guaranteed rights under our United States Constitution.
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Please help to notify Congress of their NON ACTION to help to guarantee our freedoms under the Second Amendment. Those guaranteed rights are in peril!