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Stop The ‘Turncoats’: Stand With Those Who Support Our 2nd Amendment

Every United States Senator takes an oath:  “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: so help me God.”

THAT INCLUDES THE SECOND AMENDMENT that guarantees Americans the right to own and bear arms, guns.

SO why are Senators John McCain, Lindsey Graham and others about to turncoat on the United States Constitution by succumbing to the Obama and Harry Reid and Charles Schumer gun control machine in the United States Senate this week!

They actually OPPOSE the filibuster spearheaded by U. S. Senator Rand Paul and 12 other senators!

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has joined 13 other Republican United States Senators who have signed up to assist Senators Ron Paul (R-KY), Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Mike Lee (R-UT) in their proposed FILIBUSTER against the freedoms that are taken away with the gun control legislation that is before Congress.

Our Second Amendment rights are in dire jeopardy.  These dozen U.S. Senators have agreed (and notified Sen. Reid) to participate in the upcoming filibuster.


U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and U.S. Senator James Inhofe (R-OK), as well as Jerry Moran (R-KS) have signed on to keep this anti-gun control fight into a continuing filibuster.  Other U.S. Senators are on the “fence” trying to decide if this filibuster will do any good.  And it will!  The time is NOW!  The Second Amendment freedoms that we enjoy are absolutely AT STAKE THIS WEEK!  Senator Majority Leader plans to call a vote as early as Thursday!

A filibuster is a way for Congressmen to actually postpone, prevent or DELAY a vote on a legislative bill by speaking for as long as they want on any topic they so choose; UNLESS 60 Senators bring debate to a close via a motion.  A filibuster is a means of EXTENDING DEBATE!  Voting to end a filibuster (otherwise known as Cloture) is a vote to END debate and proceed to a vote.

Your fax is urgently needed today…right now, before Harry Reid and his colleagues take away our Second Amendment freedoms. After years of debate back and forth, D-DAY FOR GUN CONTROL IS NOW!!  Your Constitutionally guaranteed rights in the Second Amendment are in danger!


Many Senate Republicans are caving into the gun control hysteria that has gripped the nation since Newtown, Connecticut.  FAX NOW!! 


The only way to stop the gun control is to FILIBUSTER.  Since the Democrats control the U.S. Senate, voting for cloture is just like voting for gun control because anti-gun senators are NOT in the majority.  Filibuster must happen!

It is obvious that President Obama, surrounded by children and parents from Newtown, (WHO RODE ON AIR FORCE ONE AT THE TAXPAYER EXPENSE!!!) has politicized this murderous attack by a madman!  If the preservation of my freedoms requires a filibuster, so be it!  Senators must join it with a passion to uphold our United States Constitution.

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Please fax every Congressman today.  Even our elected United States Representatives are working colleagues with our U.S. Senators.  They pull a lot of weight with the senators.  They can capture the ear of senators, even more than paid lobbyists!

That’s why your fax is very critical in this hour when our gun freedoms are in a very pivotal time.

If you value your Second Amendment Constitutional rights, you MUST fax today.

Fax Congress NOW!


Tony Adkins
Tony Adkins

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