Thank you very much! YOUR faxes helped to defeat the expanded background checks of the Toomey-Manchin amendment to the Gun Control bill! Thank you!
Five Democrats voted along with 41 Republicans against the measure! Your faxes actually did make a difference! It was a well-fought victory for the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution! In spite of our success, we are still trying to be undermined. We must keep the pressure on!
President Obama received his first stinging defeat of his second term by the United States Senate voting down a bipartisan compromise to expand background gun buyer checks! Obama declared Wednesday as “a pretty shameful day for Washington.”
President Obama vowed that the disappointing vote to him would NOT End his fight for stricter gun laws. He called yesterday…just “round one.” That means that we must remain firm in our commitment to defeat gun control at every turn.
The battle is NOT over. We must continue our fight to contact every Congressman to vote against all gun controls!
One of the Sandy Hook parents said they were: “disappointed but not defeated!”
President Barack Obama continues to use the parents of slain Sandy Hook students as “political props”.
The Second Amendment, as written by our founding fathers, literally guarantees Americans the right to own and bear arms, guns.
We much continue the “heat” and pressure on Congress! Please fax Congress to let them know that they must do everything possible to PRESERVE our Second Amendment. Tomorrow will be too late!
We must make this email short—because our time is very, very short. Within a few short days, the Second Amendment, as we once knew it, may be “history!”
The time is up. It is NOW either time to shut up or speak up! Your faxes with help every Congressman to preserve our freedoms—TO SAVE OUR UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION!
Your fax is urgently needed today…right now, before Harry Reid and his colleagues take away our Second Amendment freedoms. After years of debate back and forth, right now, your Constitutionally guaranteed rights in the Second Amendment are still at risk!
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Your fax is very critical in this hour when our gun freedoms are ready to be taken away by this legislation! “Round One” was won by patriots such as you. But there are still more votes on this important issue. Fax today.