Who in the world in their right mind would give away the United States of America and their sovereignty?
46 United States Senators! That is exactly what happened. With 46 Senators voting to enter into an agreement with the United Nations Small Arms Trade Treaty!
This treaty would have placed a GLOBAL BAN on the import and export of small firearms. The ban would have affected all private gun owners in the United States. The treaty also had language that would have implemented an international gun registry on all private guns and ammunition.
We must make sure these NON-patriots are voted out of office.
The statement of purpose from the bill read: “To uphold Second Amendment rights and prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.”
In short, these United States Senators—sworn to protect and abide by the United States Constitution—voted to let the United Nations take our guns!
These United States Senators violated their oath to the U. S. Constitution!
These Senators actually voted to give our Second Amendment Constitutional rights to the United Nations.
YES, 46 percent of United States Senators voted to turn over our rights to a One World Government, the United Nations!
In our books, that means they are absolutely TRAITORS!!
Hard to even conceive, we came within four votes of giving our Constitutional rights over to the United Nations! The vote was 53-46. Unimaginable!
When our United States Senators swear an oath to the United States Constitution, how in the world can they even contemplate giving away our Constitutional rights to a foreign power, even the United Nations!
No matter how they have voted in the past, or how much good they have done for America or especially for their home state, these “NON-PATRIOTS” have betrayed the United States of America and they MUST be voted out of office!
Please fax to let Congress know of this unpatriotic act that they have already performed!
Here are the 46 senators that voted to give your rights to the United Nations:
Baldwin (D-WI) |
Baucus (D-MT) |
Bennet (D-CO) |
Blumenthal (D-CT) |
Boxer (D-CA) |
Brown (D-OH) |
Cantwell (D-WA) |
Cardin(D-MD) |
Carper (D-DE) |
Casey (D-PA) |
Coons (D-DE) |
Cowan (D-MA) |
Durbin (D-IL) |
Feinstein (D-CA) |
Franken (D-MN) |
Gillibrand (D-NY) |
Harkin (D-IA) |
Hirono (D-HI) |
Johnson (D-SD) |
Kaine (D-VA) |
King (I-ME) |
Klobuchar (D-MN) |
Landrieu (D-LA) |
Leahy(D-VT) |
Levin (D-MI) |
McCaskill (D-MO) |
Menendez (D-NJ) |
Merkley (D-OR) |
Mikulski (D-MD) |
Murphy (D-CT) |
Murray (D-WA) |
Nelson (D-FL) |
Reed (D-RI) |
Reid (D-NV) |
Rockefeller (D-WV) |
Sanders (I-VT) |
Schatz (D-HI) |
Schumer (D-NY) |
Shaheen (D-NH) |
Stabenow (D-MI) |
Udall (D-CO) |
Udall (D-NM) |
Warner (D-VA) |
Warren (D-MA) |
Whitehouse (D-RI) |
Wyden (D-OR) |
All were Democrats but 2; there were NO Republicans who voted to give away our Constitutional rights!!
These Senators voted to let the UN take our guns. They need to lose their re-election. We have been betrayed! 46 Senators Voted to Give our Second Amendment Constitutional Rights to the United Nations!
This is unimaginable!
Ask yourself: “How in the world could ANY elected official give away the sovereignty of the United States of America?”
Much less an elected United States Senator!
These Senators have literally BETRAYED not only our United States Constitution, but also YOU!
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Let me repeat what they have done in a nutshell: They have voted to give our Second Amendment Constitutional Rights to the United Nations. These are bureaucrats who have absolutely NO interest in the United States!
They have voted to give away our Constitutional right of gun ownership to a bureaucratic, mostly anti-American, governmental body, the United Nations!
Shame on them!
We will work hard to make sure that these United States Senators will “pay” for their unpatriotic vote.