The penalty for lying to Congress under oath is up to five years in prison.
Attorney General Eric Holder lied to Congress when he was asked about journalist James Rosen of Fox News being violated for espionage, “With regard to potential prosecution of the press for the disclosure of material — that is not something I’ve ever been involved in, heard of, or would think would be wise policy.”
Mr. Holder was lying. He personally approved the search warrant naming James Rosen as a “possible co-conspirator” in violations of the Espionage Act, and he authorized seizure of Mr. Rosen’s emails.
This man needs to be removed from our Justice Department and experience some justice of his own. Fax Congress now and tell them to restore integrity to the DOJ.
He lied to Congress about Fast and Furious, too. IRS employees have been before Congress lying about targeting Tea Parties. It seems a whole lot of trouble is going on in Washington, but nobody knows anything about it. And everybody is determined to not let it touch the President.
The truth is President Obama’s administration has been guilty of lying and arrogance since literally the day he took office. One of his first acts was to declare how transparent his government would be; in fact, it’s the worst. This culture of cover-up and deception is status quo for Obama and his marching soldiers, Eric Holder being one of the biggest.
Holder is supposed to uphold the laws of this land and represent truth. Instead, he’s been embroiled in scandal after scandal, and every time he goes up to Capitol Hill to testify, he lies, subverts, can’t remember, and doesn’t know.
This is not acceptable and everyone in Congress needs to know it is not acceptable.
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CBS reporter Sharyl Attkisson is also under fire for daring to report truthfully on the Fast and Furious scandal. What happened to truth and transparency? What happened to our First Amendment? Are Obama and Holder intent on destroying it?
Our rights are at stake when you have a liar as head of the Justice Department, and when you have a Senator (Dick Durbin-D-IL) asking if bloggers and tweeters are entitled to First Amendment protections. This administration clearly needs a lesson in what our Constitution stands for.
The New York Times wrote, “With the decision to label a Fox News television reporter a possible 'co-conspirator' in a criminal investigation of a news leak, the Obama administration has moved beyond protecting government secrets to threatening fundamental freedoms of the press to gather news.”
When the Huffington Post is calling for Eric Holder’s impeachment and the New York Times is worried, you know it’s time for him to go. Fax Congress and tell them to clean up the Justice Department by giving out pink slips at the top. The Obama administrations’ Department of Justice is corrupt, and we will never get at the truth as long as the lying Eric Holder is in charge.
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