STOP the Obamacare TRAIN WRECK!
Dear Conservative,
While you were getting ready for family and fireworks, over the holiday weekend the Obama administration did yet another data dump. Friday night they announced that the mandate on income qualification for the healthcare exchanges won’t be implemented nor enforced, until after the elections! This is a redistribution ploy!
Anyone who signs up basically will get subsidies for healthcare under the “honor system”, no proof required! This is a scheme to get millions signed up for free money to make it harder and harder to repeal. Will this encourage fraud?? Absolutely, think Obama phones!
Polls continue to show, with 2-to-1 margin, that Americans “believe Obamacare makes us worse off! We must stop this take-over of another private industry! This spending will eat up the federal government’s budget (think tax payer dollars) quickly, and that is a big problem, on top of the U. S. major fiscal problems!
The best delay for Obamacare is a permanent delay!
Your fax is important, now more than ever! Please notify your Congress that ObamaCare must be repealed!
Your fax is urgently needed so you, your children and your grand-children will not be saddled with debt, for socialized medicine in the United States of America. Obamacare is outright wrong and unconstitutional for America!
Don’t forget, after the election, that’s when the IRS will be enforcing this socialized medicine mess. Please, stand up and say no!
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Is your blood boiling yet? I know you agree with me that you never want some government bureaucrat handling your personal health records, much less your healthcare decisions, sometimes of life or death! Your personal fax will tell Congress to keep the IRS hands off your healthcare!
Stop IRS involvement in implementing Obamacare: U.S. Senator John Cornyn introduced the “Keep the IRS Off Your Health Care Act of 2013” – S. 983.
U.S. Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) sponsored the bill by the same name in the House – H.R. 1990.
We are the ones, now is the time. Cornyn and Price need us now.
Tell Congress to support both the Senate and the House bills.