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Derail Obamacare Now!

Dear Patriot,


There is not one single thing right about Obamacare. Harry Reid knows it, Nancy Pelosi knows it, the unions who fought for it know it, and Barack Obama knows it.

Yet, Harry Reid says there is no need for conversations, and he really has no use for what YOU, THE AMERICAN CITIZEN, has to say.

Is this the new dictatorship of Barack Obama?

Speak up! Stand on principles! Please join us in putting the entire Congress on notice that we are FINISHED with their political maneuvering.

FAX CONGRESS RIGHT NOW and tell them to grant the wishes of the American people by fighting in every single way against Obamacare!  Let them know you are watching their actions on every issue from this second forward and you will hold them accountable!

A rodeo clown put on an Obama mask—mass hysteria ensued, and he lost his job.

Democrat Wendy Davis stood for hours in the Texas legislature and lobbied for the death of unborn children, and she is hailed as a hero by the Left. Heck, her name is even being bandied about to be the next governor of Texas.

But Ted Cruz stands for over 21 hours on the Senate floor and fights for American principles, and Democrats LOSE THEIR MINDS. You would think he tortured puppies with an axe in broad daylight. They compared Cruz and the Republicans to terrorists with bombs strapped to their chests…economic arsonists…Nazis, jihadists and kidnappers.

The Senate voted to proceed with the stopgap spending measure in a 79-19 vote. Now the House must act, and Speaker Boehner will meet on Saturday to consider all options.

Let the Speaker and all of his colleagues in the House and Senate know there is NO OPTION other than to KILL Obamacare before it kills all of us!

We can’t let it be implemented to let it fail!  This would be economic suicide!

Why is no one other than Ted Cruz and a handful of Republican allies talking about what is REALLY in the Obamacare Law? For example,:

  • You’ll be paying for over 100,000 abortions every year…
  • Unions have turned against it…
  • Businesses are changing the definition of “full-time” to mean less than 30 hours per week so they don’t have to pay Obamacare costs…yet Obama gives a speech saying there is “no evidence” Obamacare is hurting the economy.
  • Insurance premiums are rising in some cases as much as 290%…
  • Taxes are skyrocketing…
  • Insurers are dropping coverage…
  • Hospitals are closing…
  • Rationed care will mean death panels…

And…a shocking survey of healthcare professionals exposes what those in the industry know will happen if Obamacare is implemented:

— 53 percent, “Quality of health insurance policies will suffer.”

— 51 percent, “Quality of care will go down.”

— 42 percent, “Insurance exchanges will be poorly managed.”

— 19 percent, “Americans will die earlier.”

Help us keep up the pressure.  Tell Congress to kill Obamacare before it kills every one of us! TELL THEM TO STOP PLAYING POLITICS WITH OUR LIVES.  Every vote on every issue counts, and we are watching.

Senator Cruz’s speech was more than just a hit against Obamacare — it was a significant victory for the American people, who are sick and tired of ALL politicians holding the country hostage in order to further their political ambitions.

He exposed the so-called Republican “leadership” who have promised, time and time again, to get rid of Obamacare…BUT THEY HAVE REFUSED, TIME AND TIME AGAIN, TO ACTUALLY TAKE ACTION.

They are scared to act, but they should be more afraid of the American people, who are not going to let them forget this!

The fight against Obamacare funding, win or lose, is a grassroots battle against establishment politics.

“Washington depends on the American people not paying attention.  None of us [in the Senate] can win this fight but the American people will.” – Ted Cruz during filibuster speech, September 25, 2013

Democrats have called it Obamacare a “nightmare” and a “train wreck.”  Democrats have said this — the very people who fought so hard to get it passed.

Obamacare Regulations

Socialized medicine is on its way October 1st…this Tuesday!

IS YOUR CONGRESS WORKING FOR YOU, or are they only concerned with politics, power and elections?

“First they get your body; then they take your mind; then they grab your soul.”

Are you going to stand up and demand they stop it?

Cruz said, “I salute the House for having had the courage to stand up and fight and defund ObamaCare and I remain confident, hopeful and optimistic the House will stand their ground.”

We don’t want to shut down the government; we want to end the socialist redistribution program known as the “Affordable” Health Care Act.

Our efforts are working.  

It is a “train wreck,” to quote prominent Democrats who wrote it — and Obama has distanced himself from it in order to get re-elected and save his political capital.

HOWEVER, those of us speaking out against his healthcare debacle got him worried. He has had to take to the campaign trail to defend it and sell us his bill of goods.  He is also dragging Bill and Hillary Clinton out of retirement to promote it. His White House media arm, NBC, is planning an entire WEEK’s worth of programming to tell you how great it is…so great, in fact, that they have to MAKE YOU purchase it.

Let the Democrats have to answer for this horrible legislation that is going to bury the United States of America in death, taxes and socialism!

It is DEMOCARE! They want it – they can own it! .

We have the ability to stop this if the Senate ultimately votes to fund it via the Continuing Resolution, there are amendments that can be made. The House can act. Members of Congress can start packing, because those who don’t get rid of it will be out of a job.

We will vote people in who, like Ted Cruz, will do the right thing!

We can INSIST Congress end their exemption. We can INSIST they block all exemptions, or at least—as the GOP is considering—give the hardworking American individual another year before we have to comply.

We can end the drastic taxes.  We can continue to fight for repeal.


How DARE Congress grant an exemption for them!  How DARE the President tell us how great Obamacare is and then hand out waivers to unions and businesses, leaving the “little people” in the dust?!  

Demand they eat the dog food they make us take!

If it is good enough for us, it should be good enough for them.  Congress has failed us.

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Congress, this is your moment to end Obamacare.  They need to know, We, the People don’t want it.   We are prepared to hold them responsible if they do not vote to defund it.

We will not forget.

Freedom is hanging by a thread. They have destroyed our healthcare system and outright LIED TO OUR FACES about what their real intent was.

  • You can keep your doctor…
  • You can keep your current plan…
  • Premiums won’t go up…
  • There is no such thing as death panels…


Oh…and they also told us their ultimate goal was NOT a single-payer system.  But of course, Harry Reid let it slip a few weeks ago that all along, that was their real plan, and it will ultimately happen.

Congress, OBAMACARE HURTS MORE PEOPLE THAN IT HELPS!  Defund it! If we can’t defund it – don’t give up and don’t give-in! Make Congress hold up their end of the bargain and take the same healthcare that was forced upon us! Tell them to STOP TAKING-OVER OUR PRIVATE MARKETS AND DO NOT CONFISCATE OUR HARD-EARNED DOLLARS FOR THIS SOCIALIZED MEDICINE.

Congress needs to know we expect them to do everything they can to defund Obamacare, stall it, break it up and ultimately repeal it before it destroys the greatest healthcare system in the world!


We know if you are standing strong for your principles, or if you are just giving us lip service.

The buck stops with you.

Help us keep up the pressure.  FAX EVERY SINGLE MEMBER OF THE SENATE AND TELL THEM TO DEFUND OBAMACARE.  WE WILL NOT ALLOW CAREER POLITICIANS TELL US WHAT HEALTHCARE WE SHOULD HAVE. Tell the Senate to defund, delay and repeal Obamacare or get out of office!


Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

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