Dear Concerned Conservative,
46 year-old parent Robert Small attended a Common Core informational meeting in Ellicott City, Maryland. He wanted to find out more about what it is. He wanted to know what his kids would be learning in school.
Small went “out of order” during a question-and-answer forum held by the Maryland State Department of Education. Why did he go out of order? Because the Dept. of Education wasn’t not answering any of the difficult questions. So small stood up and interrupted Dallas Dance, the Baltimore County School Superintendent. Small explained — peacefully— his fear that the Common Core lowers standards of education for children in the district.
Because he asked questions, he was arrested by an off duty policeman.
He was arrested in the United States of America for asking questions about his child’s education. Why are educators pushing back so hard against parents wanting to know the truth?
The answer: they don’t want you to know the truth about Common Core. They want you to shut up and take your medicine and accept their nationalized curriculum.
You can’t fight it if you don’t know what’s in it.
Small said: “I want to know how many parents here are aware that the goal of the Common Core standards isn’t to prepare kids for full-fledged universities, it’s to prepare them for community college…..Parents, take control. We’re sick of this. This is not a CNN political game. This is a public town hall… Listen, don’t stand for this. You’re sitting here like cattle. You have questions. Confront them. They don’t want to do it in public…. Parents, you need to question these people….Do the research, it’s online.”
The state’s attorney’s office said in a statement: “It was clear that Mr. Small violated the rules of the meeting and disrupted the meeting. It was also clear that the officer acted appropriately and did have probable cause to make an arrest on both charges. In the interest of justice, further prosecution will not accomplish anything more. Therefore, the charges have been dismissed.”
Charges were dismissed even though the officer acted appropriately and did have probable cause.
In other words, they want this publicity to go away as soon as possible. They don’t want daylight shed on what Common Core really is about.
Our Minds, our Bodies and our Souls…
Obama and his Leftist academia are about to indoctrinate your kids into the United Nations One World Order. He dangled money in front of states when they were desperate for cash…but what he didn’t say is that Common Core’s initial funding will run out, and taxpayers will wind up with billions of dollars in taxes in order to keep it going. This program, mark our words, is going to put a nail in the coffin of American education (and America) if it is not stopped.
There is no question, Common Core LOWERS ACADEMIC STANDARDS. A Stanford professor says that Common Core will put American kids at least two years behind high-achieving countries in math. Kentucky did a Common Core pilot program and saw proficiency rates drop by 30 percent. Talk about “fuzzy math”: Consider this Common Core video that explains to teachers if a child comes to the conclusion that 3×4=11, it’s not necessarily WRONG, as long as that child can show you HOW they came up with that number and if the WAY makes any sense, the result is just not that important.
It’s not that important? Right … because America is going to survive and thrive and nurture engineers and doctors and architects and entrepreneurs if we decide that 3×4 can be whatever we want it to be!
But thriving is not what the Left is interested in anyway. They want everyone to prepare FOR COMMUNITY COLLEGE at best. How dare your child go to school and excel and EARN THEIR WAY TO SUCCESS when not everyone is capable of that!
Sure, community college is fine…as long as not every single person in the community goes there! Is our future a bunch of mediocre, dumbed-down, apathetic workers? You betcha! Let the government tell you what to learn, when to learn it, and how to learn it, and then they will decide what job is right for you!
It is all part of the plan. Barack Obama and his socialist backers are going to restructure the United States so that everyone is told what their ability is and they will be working at a menial government job making menial government money and hoping someone else will pick up the slack for their insurance, their housing, and their freedoms.
Children will learn from Kindergarten through college that humans are harming the planet, Western civilization is bad, and if we are all one large, global, socialist society, peace will fall unto the land.
Yes…these ideas are central to the Common Core curriculum. Common Core spends 8 weeks on the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (in some cases teaching through Scientology videos that everyone has a right to social security, a job, housing and to join a union), and much less time on the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
A history textbook ALREADY IN CLASSROOMS FOR SEVERAL YEARS spends chapters on Islam without a chapter on Christianity or Judaism. Any mentions of Christianity’s past reference “massacres,” while Islamic history teaches of “takeovers” and speaks of how welcoming members of society were to that religion when they, uh—TOOK OVER. And Jesus “proclaimed” himself the Messiah, but Muhammed “was” the prophet. Biased? Nah.
Common Core downplays academics and focuses on attitudes, beliefs, diversity and behavior. And that, of course, leads us into the progressives’ view of sexuality and what THEY FEEL children must know, and when.
One of the agencies responsible for testing is the American Institute for Research, or AIR. They are the largest behavioral and social science research organization, and are focused on CHANGING BEHAVIOR. AIR distributes LGBT propaganda to schools and believes not only in the sexualization of children, but in labeling and counseling those children at a very young age.
Obama wants to teach sex-ed to Kindergartners!
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Mary Black is an educator who has fought against Common Core for months and she says, “My review of the Common Core standards indicated that they were designed to teach students what to think and not how to think. The literary classics have been stripped and replaced with books promoting a socialist agenda…. It is certain that it will leave students unable to think for themselves.”
For all its emphasis on “diversity” and “sensitivity” training, Common Core offers none. Common Core assures us that ALL teachers will teach the same curriculum and ALL STUDENTS will dutifully learn it, regardless of their individual needs. But really it doesn’t matter, because kids who don’t do well in school shouldn’t be penalized and there should no longer be any awards or grades. The Left hates it when someone does well and others don’t measure up—they don’t want anyone to feel bad about themselves. So, they will eliminate the opportunity for success from an early age and dumb us all down to the lowest common denominator.
Today, Obama only pretends that there is class warfare. He is eventually going to fundamentally transform America into a nation of idiots and mediocrity, but hey, at least the corrupt elitists like George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Al Gore among others at the top with their private jets will still have THEIR money while all the rest of us bow down to their agenda. I guess they’ve EARNED that based on their ideology; but the rest of us won’t be so lucky.
That will be the definition of class warfare, when a handful of dictators running Big Brother look down upon us and decree what we may and may not have.
THIS IS QUITE SERIOUS, especially when parents are being arrested for asking questions. This is quickly becoming a police state under a dictator. They want us silent, they want us uninformed, and they want our children.
You can’t just take your child out of public school, because Common Core requires that the government keep a massive database on our kids called inBloom, which will store your student’s name, address, social security number, blood type, hair color, weight, test scores, nicknames, religion, attitudes, income level, medical history, psychological evaluations, bus stop times and political affiliation. If you are in a private school you will still have to submit to this database. And if you are home-schooled, good luck finding a textbook that doesn’t incorporate the Common Core curriculum.
All kids will have to submit to ACT and SAT testing that is based on Common Core, so there really is no way to get around it unless you help us stop it right now, or move out of the United States.
“The empirical evidence suggests that the Common Core will have little effect on American students' achievement." — Brookings Institution
"Common Core's standards not only present a serious threat to state and local education authority, but also put academic quality at risk." — Heritage Foundation Issue Brief, by University of Arkansas Education Reform Professor Sandra Stotsky
A teacher sent Glenn Beck a “poem” students were encouraged to recite praising the benefits of Common Core. Propaganda much? What is next? Pledging allegiance to Our Dear Leader Obama, or perhaps to Planet Earth? Don’t laugh—progressives are pretty much capable of anything.
This curriculum was developed behind closed doors and there are no meeting notes. Although they say it will be internationally benchmarked, there is no other country in the world that anyone can point to with a Common Core curriculum. No one can say what our kids will be tested on. No one can point to any success for something like this because Common Core is an experiment. The children of the United States are now guinea pigs for the Left’s progressive agenda.
This is what is going to happen: your child or grandchild is going to come home with all kinds of nonsense relating to liberal math, or global warming, or sexuality, etc. You are going to be outraged and eventually storm the school with other concerned parents. But at that point, you’re going to be too late. These textbooks will already be in the classrooms, your child will already have been exposed to all these ideas and they will continue to be while you and other intelligent Americans go on the defense to get Common Core out of the classroom.
We are asking you to help us STOP COMMON CORE NOW, BEFORE IT TAKES ROOT.
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily