Dear Conservative American Citizen,
As we can see from the Obamacare disaster, this chief executive's power is almost limitless because of this Congress and the Senate GOP.
The Regulations of the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act (REINS) has passed the House and needs Senate approval to TAKE AWAY OBAMA’S ABSOLUTE POWER.
The Senate must pass the REINS Act. Obama’s unchecked dictatorship must be stopped, and the REINS Act is a strong first step to limiting his growing executive power.
The REINS Act puts power back into the hands of the people.
The REINS Act means that MAJOR new regulations costing more than $100 million annually would only take effect if both the House and Senate approve them. And, the House and Senate are required to vote “yay” or “nay” on each major rule, creating an expedited review process and forcing Members to vote one way or the other.
Then, We, the People, can hold them accountable for their votes.
Obama likes to use his federal agencies to go around Congress and enact regulations on the way we breathe, live and work.
The REINS Act slows Obama down in his race to see how many taxes and regulations he can put on the American people without the input of Congress, much less you or me.
Obama doesn’t like the Second Amendment? …an executive order can take that right away.
Obama doesn’t like our immigration laws? …he sics the Justice Department on states trying to enforce the law and signs an executive order granting amnesty.
Obama believes in the United Nations program of Agenda 21, which will drastically alter every aspect of our lives in order to “combat” false global warming? …BAM—more executive orders to socially engineer society, and a blank check to the EPA to force dangerous ethanol blends into our fuel.
Obama believes his socialist healthcare program should be the law of the land—then he “tweaks” it for his darling unions and big business, and even Congress…leaving us with the crushing taxes and all its other terrible consequences.
Obama’s unchecked regulatory power amounts to lower wages, higher prices, fewer jobs … I cannot afford his grand, global and “fundamental” change to America: can YOU?
It also gives us the ability to see how our representatives are voting, and that means we can hold them accountable at the ballot box during elections. Politicians like to hide behind large bills, claiming they didn’t realize what all was in them or they “had” to pass something in order to get something else they wanted.
The result is legislation like Obamacare…or the DREAM Act for illegals…or bridges to nowhere…or shovel-ready projects!
Obama needs to allow Congress to do the job they were elected to do, and we need to hold them all accountable.
Rep. Todd Young (R-IN) sponsored REINS in the House. After it passed he said, “Regardless of which party occupies the White House, this commonsense legislation is needed to restore the balance of power in Washington and return responsibility for the legislative process to Congress. For too long, Congress has allowed administrations of both parties to enact regulations at great costs to the American people with little oversight. The REINS Act would allow Congress to vote on new major rules before they are imposed on hardworking families, small businesses, and agriculture producers.”
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We are completely fed up with government inaction, overreach, red tape, lip service and gridlock, and we expect you are, too. If the Senate will pass the REINS Act we can restore legislative control and accountability to Congress, while reining in Obama’s power.
The fact is, if Barack Obama can allow any government agency to set regulations on individuals and businesses, and American life, then what do we need a Congress for?
And why even elect representatives if they are only going to go to Washington to toe the party line, making progress impossible?
Obama is constantly on the campaign trail acting the movie star, lying to the American people about his real agenda while his buddies back in Washington draw up regulations, fines and taxes in order to appease the tax-hungry Democrats and the global-minded socialists at the United Nations.
He has rendered Congress essentially useless, and although there are many in Congress who have refused to act and therefore abdicated their power, there are still many who believe the voice of the people should be heard and legislative activity should occur based on careful thought and consideration.
The Obama administration is the LEAST transparent in history, despite Obama’s fanfare on his first day in office when he claimed he would open up government to the people. He has installed himself onto his White House throne (probably through shady voting practices) and has placed his radical friends in high agency positions, ready to carry out his socialist world view.
THERE IS NO GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHT TO AGENCY BEHAVIOR RIGHT NOW. No one is keeping King Barack Obama in check. It’s a free-for-all out there in D.C.
Passing the REINS Act is a step in the right direction. It is an immediate legislative action around his dictatorship. In fact, the New York Times (Obama’s bedfellow) bemoans the fact that the REINS Act will “undermine the Executive Branch.” THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WE WANT IT TO DO!
THERE IS NO ACCOUNTABILITY IN GOVERNMENT. Barack Obama and his advisors can have a closed-door meeting with George Soros, arrange some grand socialist scheme and then go to the EPA, ATF, IRS, FBI, Department of Justice, or NSA and tell them to enact that vision. It is happening every day and we are seeing the disaster that his policies are having on America. Congress has been rendered obsolete. This cannot continue.
George Mason University’s Mercatus Center indicates that the Code of Federal Regulations has grown from 71,224 pages in 1975 to 174,545 in 2012.
That’s right: bureaucrats in Washington have written over 170,000 pages of rules that you and your families and businesses have to abide by. We are only one year into Obama’s second term; it is staggering to think what that number will be by the end of 2016.
AMERICA NEEDS TO STOP REGULATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. Obama has done everything he can to bypass our legislative process and has openly sneered at the way our government works. He scoffs at any mention of working with Congress, stomps his feet and pouts when he doesn’t get his way—then takes out a pen and fixes the situation himself by simply issuing an executive order or a set of directives to his agency heads. He acts as a dictator and is so much smarter than everyone else in the room—so, even though many of them should be out of a job right now because they can’t stick to their principles, seriously, WHAT do we need a Congress for if we are now living under a monarchy?
We need to rally and make the Senate behind the REINS Act and tell them to restore legislative control and accountability to Congress, while reining in Obama’s power.
This is not just a Left and Right issue—this concerns the very fabric of our nation.
The EPA and the Department of Education, for example, don’t need to be making rules that Americans are forced to live by when the representatives we sent to Congress don’t have any input into how these rules will affect us, and especially, when we have no say in HOW MUCH THEY WILL COST.
The REINS Act stops elitist bureaucrats and community organizers like Barack Obama from telling us they know best, and we must give them all our money and let them dictate how we live.
We can understand that Democrats in the Senate might be hesitant to pass something that would rein in the powers of THEIR beloved dictator—but this legislation is important to balance the power of our government no matter who is in charge. Our Senators need to think seriously about giving any occupant of the White House broad and unchecked powers.
This is a dangerous president and these are dangerous times. Obama believes he can install his radical Leftist buddies into high-ranking government agencies and let them run wild over America. No accountability, no transparency, and NO OVERSIGHT from Congress. I cannot imagine what the next few years are going to bring if he is allowed to continue his dictatorship. I cannot imagine what our future will look like if this doesn’t pass and we have to endure another Democratic President (Hillary Clinton?) with a strong history of cronyism, political strong-arming and radical Leftist views.
The REINS Act is an immediate and effective legislative action around Obama’s grand global vision. It is a good thing for America, regardless of who occupies the White House.
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily