Dear Parents,
We have been keeping you informed about the new, untested and scary nationalized education program known as Common Core. In this message we are going to show you examples of what Common Core is actually teaching students across America!
The federal government has no business in creating an educational curriculum…no business at all. The U.S. Department of Education, created in 1979, is not supposed to be drafting curriculum for the states. In fact, President Jimmy Carter’s Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, Joseph Califano, said, “Any set of questions that the federal government prescribed should surely be suspect as a first step toward a national curriculum [and] a national control of curriculum is a form of national control of ideas.”
However, since 2010 the DOE has managed to get around all that with Common Core.
While there are many progressive slants to the curriculum which have conservatives up in arms, this is not simply a Left vs. Right issue. Many liberals are just as concerned as we are with the non-intellectual slant of the curriculum and the dangerous future it holds for our children and our country.
Men and women across America are standing up to fight the indoctrination program known as Common Core, which will not only teach our children socialism and United Nations-sanctioned ideas, but hinders their intellectual development.
One of the drafters of Common Core, Jason Zimba, admitted in a public meeting of the Massachusetts State Board of Education that Common Core is designed to prepare students only for a non-selective community college, not a university.
Please tell them to stop Common Core by cutting off funding because education decisions are always best at the local level, where we live. We cannot let this federal curriculum take root. Urge our representatives to unite, liberals and conservatives, to stop this because our future depends on it.
As concerned parents and grandparents, we gathering research and stories from across the country and we encourage you to do your own investigation into Common Core.
The purveyors of Common Core don’t want you to know what it’s all about until it has infested every school district in every state and is securely rooted in place. Seek the truth now.
You’ll read that the 46 states that have adopted Common Core did so voluntarily and helped develop the program. This is not true.
In fact, Diane Ravitch, a former assistant U.S. secretary of education who was appointed to office by both Clinton and George H.W. Bush, says “[The standards] were developed by an organization called Achieve and the National Governors Association, both of which were generously funded by the Gates Foundation. There was minimal public engagement in the development of the Common Core. Their creation was neither grassroots nor did it emanate from the states.”
But the states couldn’t resist Race to the Top funding, and with $4.35 billion being dangled in front of them in a terrible economy, rushed to adopt the program, sight-unseen and unread.
Common Core has never been attempted before and it very well could severely harm the U.S. education system.
Fax Congress: Our kids are our future, so fax Congress and voice your opinion.
Tell them to fight tooth and nail at the federal level and in their districts to END COMMON CORE while there is still time.
A YouTube video shows what’s in a Utah English and Language Arts (ELA) textbook called “Voices: Literature and Writing” for first-graders. Remember, first-grade students are typically 6-7 years old.
The textbook says, “Students use their voices to advocate solutions to social problems that they care deeply about.” And it goes on to describe “Emotional Words” that motivate people to “take action.” This first-grade reader talks about how to be an advocate, “social advocacy.”
“Tell students that when they write a call to action, they should include emotional words to get readers to feel strongly about the problem that they want to do what is being asked of them.
Writing a “call to action” for 6 and 7 year-olds? Doesn’t this sound like Community Organizing for First-Graders?
In Philadelphia, the City Council has already approved some “socialist” texts and is now considering controversial Historian, Howard Zinn’s book, “The People’s History of the United States.” T
More community organizing is taught in, “Si, Se Puede” – Yes, You Can or Yes it is possible, loosely translated – is about a 1985 janitor’s strike in Los Angles. As a matter of fact, “Sí Se Puede” is a federally Registered Trademark of the United Farm Workers Union. President Obama used this slogan in his 2008 campaigns but it also, “Si, Se Puede” became a rallying cry for the 2006 immigration reform protests.
Or consider the book being used, “Harvesting Hope: The Story of Cesar Chavez.” This book seems to answer the question about how communities organize and stand up for their rights against management and challenges. Or, a fourth-grade booklet has a story about a young girl being fearful for the next day because she over-heard her parents talking about how the Unions are good and the Union would be striking tomorrow.
Politically charged rhetoric has absolutely no place in the classroom.
In Louisiana, Activity 8, in grade-one social studies, tells teachers to “lead students to a kid-friendly definition of a hero. Kids watch biographies and then choose five American heroes. People included are Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey and Cesar Chavez. Thomas Jefferson and George Washington are the only other presidents besides Obama, mentioned.
Parents and teachers are being completely removed from the education process as this curriculum funnels down from the federal government.
Fax Congress and voice your opinion that you do not approve of politically charged education and you want it eliminated before it destroys American culture!
Porn in Common Core? Reportedly, this 10th grade literature book was read out loud during class. Everyone in the class had a copy of this book. READERS WARNING ON CONTENT.
Also from Louisiana comes this shocking lesson for FOURTH GRADERS, below:
A mom was outraged when her son came home from school with a paper using the words “pimp” and “mobstaz.”
“I try to instill values in my son,” Brittney Badeaux told Fox News. “My goal is for him to ultimately to become a great man, a family man, a well-rounded man. And now my son wants to know what a pimp is.”
Think she’ll get answers from the school? Probably not. What we’ve seen happen is, once parents get wind of what their students are learning, teachers and school districts quickly yank the materials from websites and pretend nothing happened.
Fax Congress now and stop Common Core in your local classroom!
Jeremiah Chaffee, a high school English teacher in upstate New York, took to the Internet to denounce the Common Core curriculum as it relates to teaching the Gettysburg address.
“As we…began working on our own Core-related lessons, I was struck by how out of sync the Common Core is with what I consider to be good teaching.”
Chaffee says the teachers were told to teach the Gettysburg Address without “any background context” and not to ask students if they have ever been to a funeral because such questions rely “on individual experience and opinion,” and answering them “will not move students closer to understanding the Gettysburg Address.” The Gettysburg Address is simply a speech given by a man named Lincoln.
Chaffee says, “This is baffling, as if Lincoln delivered the speech in an intellectual vacuum; as if the speech wasn’t delivered at a funeral and meant to be heard in the context of a funeral; as if we must not think about memorials when we read words that memorialize.”
He goes on to say, “The bottom line: The Common Core exemplar we worked with was intellectually limiting, shallow in scope, and uninteresting. I don’t want my lessons to be any of those things.”
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Carol Burris, a New York principal who was named the 2010 New York State Outstanding Educator, used to be a cheerleader for Common Core. Now, she is horrified.
Common Core’s goal is to teach all students across America in the same way and to “level” the playing field. All loyal robots will be taught to value a hero like Obama, take their proper educational medicine, and develop good skills for the State, their Keeper.
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily