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Dear Conservative Friend,

This past Wednesday was the epitome of a defeated warrior “falling on their sword” for the cause.  This time, it was Kathleen Sebelius, the Head of the Health and Human Services, who took the “entire blame” FOR HER BOSS, for the Obamacare website debacle.

Sebelius told many LIES to us and to our United States Congress! The ultimate LIE was on Wednesday when she appeared before the Congressional House Energy and Commerce Committee.

The HHS Secretary declared:  “THE WEBSITE HAS NEVER CRASHED!”

Yet, as she spoke, the Affordable Care Act website had indeed crashed and continued to remain “Down.”

Kathleen Sebelius actually had the gall to pronounce: “We were anxious to get the website up and running and functional, which we clearly have failed to do to date.  Although, I would suggest THE WEBSITE HAS NEVER CRASHED.  It is functional but at a very slow speed and very low reliability!”

She actually took the blame for the entire website debacle

I say: If you take the blame; YOU ARE FIRED!

Please FAX Congress that the historic debacle of supposed MILLIONS of people signing up for Obamacare on the website, when only 248 actually signed up in the first two days, is a definitive DISASTER.  Kathleen Sebelius should be FIRED!

To think, this is supposedly President Obama’s most important piece of legislation he ramrodded through Congress.  And now, it is a complete sham, website wise.  More importantly, the entire Obamacare is a complete sham; and a noose around the necks, economically, of the American people, including the less fortunate people who must pay much higher premiums.

Then there are the LIES by the President of the United States when he many times has said: “You can keep your same coverage and your premiums will not go up!”  AN OUTRIGHT UNTRUTH!  The totally opposite is true. 

Another fact has been mysteriously uncovered:  Secretary Sebelius changed language in the Obamacare law –after it became law.  HHS rewrote a section of the law to change what could be “grandfathered” AFTER it was signed.  ILLEGAL!  Yet, Kathleen Sebelius made that change and the president says he didn’t know!

Kathleen Sebelius pointed out to Congressmen grilling her that the “Blame is on me!”  Wow.  What a travesty.  In that case, she should be FIRED!  In any American corporation, if something of this magnitude happened, SHE WOULD BE FIRED!

Several Congressmen have called for her to be removed! 

But she “stuck to her guns!”  She backed her boss, President Barack Obama.  At one point when she was questioned as to whether or not President Obama bears any responsibility for the website launch, she sighed, “Uh, whatever!” 

Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, said that Kathleen Sebelius was a worse LIAR than former President Richard Nixon!

At various points during the Congressional committee, she claimed “ignorance” to some of the law. 

Her circus performance was widely acclaimed by President Obama.

She methodically “answered” most of the questions.  Certainly she wasn’t telling us THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH! And, many of her answers were OUTRIGHT LIES.  Yes, outright lies!

Obama supporter Jon Stewart of the popular television show “The Daily Show” had Kathleen Sebelius on.  Stewart even said: “Maybe she’s just lying to me!”

But, alas, she did promise the website will be fully functioning by the end of November. Still, as a direct result of her testimony, calls for her resignation or firing started to come, even full force.

U.S. Senator Lama Alexander (R-TN), the top Republican on the Senate Health Committee, added his name to the burgeoning list of those calling for her resignation or firing.  He said: “Taxpayers have spent $400 million to create exchanges that, after 3 ½ years, still do not work.  No private-sector chief executive officer would escape accountability after such a poor performance!”

Let the Members of Congress know that the historic debacle of supposed MILLIONS of people signing up for Obamacare on the website, when only 248 actually signed up in the first two days, is a definitive DISASTER.  Kathleen Sebelius should be FIRED!


Researchers have found that is the most expensive website ever.  And what did American taxpayers get:  NOTHING!!  Although the exact figure is not known, some estimates have taken the cost to over $600 million, even a BILLION.  And one of the prime designers of the website was a college friend of Michele Obama.  But we will leave that for another time!

President Obama’s most egregious lie is:  “You can keep your plan if you like it!”  LIE!

The only thing working is the killing of existing insurance plans. — working much, much better than the website.

When pressed by Congress, Kathleen Sebelius covered up for her Medicare chief Marilyn Tavenner who testified earlier in the week for three hours.  When questioned by Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI), chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, on Tuesday, about the “If you like your insurance, you can keep it” question, Tavenner actually blamed insurance companies for cancelling the policies!  She tacitly offered: “I want to apologize to you that the website has not worked as well as it should.”  She didn’t even admit that the website was literally NON-FUNCTIONAL!  Yet, Sebelius took the blame away from her.

Potentially, 93 Million Americans might be dropped by insurance companies.

Forget about Kathleen Sebelius just for a moment, here is the real problem:  Obamacare dictates what an insurance company can and cannot do, so premiums will go up, in order to cover those who were not originally covered by any healthcare insurance! Or, that particular insurance company cannot participate in government-mandated Obamacare.

Even though Secretary Sebelius remains in the president’s good graces: Obama said: “I have complete confidence in Secretary Sebelius.” 

Let me be clear.  Everything related to Obamacare is routed through the website:  If it doesn’t work, Obamacare doesn’t work.  Yet many Democrats merely shirk this off as a mere “technical glitch.”

As has already been established by most news agencies, the administration knew of the website failures weeks BEFORE the October 1 launch!  Even though “Team Obama” already knew it was a “disaster in the making” they had the guts to go ahead with the failed launch.  It begs the question:  What will happen when the website is eventually fixed and Obamacare kicks in?  What promises will be made then?

Also, to say that Secretary Sebelius was not “warned” of the website problems is another outright LIE!  Sebelius knew about all of the problems and knew about all of these LIES beforehand.  She is not as “innocent” as she made herself out to be before the Congressional hearing!  She should RESIGN or be FIRED!

Let the Members of Congress know that the historic debacle of supposed MILLIONS of people signing up for Obamacare on the website, when only 248 actually signed up in the first two days, is a definitive DISASTER.  Kathleen Sebelius should be FIRED!


A quick question:  There were 4.7 Million unique visits to the website in the first 24 hours; yet only SIX (yes, 6) joined!

That figure literally speaks for itself.

In spite of Kathleen Sebelius asserting that the website would be totally functional by the end of November, she admitted there are no options for those who have been dropped.

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Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has subpoenaed Secretary Sebelius for documents related to the “entirely dysfunctional” Obamacare’s website problems.

Issa reflected: “The administration’s failure to provide answers about what led to the disastrous launch of and what is being done to fix it is completely unacceptable.  The evidence is mounting that the website did not go through proper testing, including critical security testing, and that the Administration ignored repeated warnings from contractors about ongoing problems.”

She has owned up to the disaster.  In that case, she must resign or be FIRED!

Obamacare website up and running by the end of November??  No one has confidence in this. She must be replaced as soon as possible!

Please notify Members of Congress that the historic debacle of supposed MILLIONS of people signing up for Obamacare on the website, when only 248 actually signed up in the first two days, is a definitive DISASTER.  Kathleen Sebelius should be FIRED!


Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

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