Dear American,
First of all, Happy New Year and thank you for all that you have done to fight for our freedoms in 2013. As you already know, it was not an easy year and the battles were tough and many. I’m sure many times you thought to yourself, “How did we even find ourselves in this position where our freedoms are constantly under attack”? You and I both know that we are in a time that is unlike anything experienced in our history before. It is a time when Americans have finally tasted life without liberty, and had to fight for the very basic rights we were guaranteed by our founding fathers.
Ronald Reagan warned for the first time in 1961 that “freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States, when men and women were free.”
Have we gotten to that point where we must now tell stories of liberty lost?
Not yet, but any student of history knows that “all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” – Edmund Burke 1729-1797
When I was younger, I knew to follow my grandfather and listen intently when he gave advice. I emulated his character, as he emulated those that came before him. My Grandfather fought in World War II and was the bravest man I have ever met. Somewhere along the line, this nation has forgotten to follow that character of selfless sacrifice that came before.
We lost our way, and our leadership got cancer. That cancer has grown, metastasized and infected nearly every level of our government and within both political parties. Along the way, we have fought half as hard, given in to hopelessness and tried to justify to ourselves that it hardly matters…
I, for one, believe it matters. To not fight would be un-American. And I am an American.
There has been talk of Conservatives versus Liberals; Democrats against Republicans; those with Faith against the Faithless. But ultimately it is those in our government using the media as their mule that has destroyed our ability to see what really matters… Our values!
As we allow the cancer within our government to spread, we destroy the very thing that this one word brings to every American: Value. Value of who WE are. Value of what WE stand for. Value of virtue and patriotism. Values define character and character defines identity. As we lose values, we lose identity. We have allowed the clowns in our government to suck up our kids into Liberal causes while the country remains stuck in a quagmire of searching for its identity.
Whether it is “Organizing for Action” or “Obama for America” or whatever they decide to rename their empire of propaganda, we have allowed this cancer to grow for far too long. These liberal organizations would have no place in the America of old. It is often said that the country would be unrecognizable to our founding fathers. While that is true, in just these last five years, I don’t even recognize my country!
But nonetheless, our children, the lost, fall prey to the promises and dreams of Liberalism that cannot logically exist given the true agendas they represent.
That is why we fight. That is why we fax congress and spend countless hours fighting legislation and corrupt behavior at the highest ranks of leadership. In the last year, we have sent almost 20 million faxes to congress. Does it matter? Yes it matters!
Just last week, we launched a large campaign specifically to impeach President Obama. Just two days later, our campaign became a rallying call used by the Democrats to fundraise and drive the youth (naive and impressionable) to elect more Democrats!
The fight we are in today is simple. It is like arm wrestling. We stay at the top, locked in a heated battle and the one that gives up…loses. I know you are tired. I know that many of you are fatigued and broken by the economy, laws, lost pensions, and failures of our nation to protect each of you from the failures caused by this cancer in our leadership. But we must not give up. We must not let go first. We must carry on for the future generations that risk losing sight of the very thing many of you fought to protect: Freedom.
In 2014 we are going to launch other grass roots campaign strategies. We are going to find a way to make it less expensive to send faxes, if not make it free. We are going to find a way to bulk send letters to congressional halls every week, and we are going to find a way for you to record a voice message that we can send directly to the clowns in Congress.
Will it matter? Hell yes it will matter! We will seek to shut down their phone systems and force them to listen. But we have plans to do more…
Rallies or Protest? Yep! One of the things we are working on is building a platform to allow every American to organize with others to protest… Nationally! Of course there is already Facebook and Twitter. But we are working on something even better! It is a text, email, and social platform that allows you to be reached the way you want to be reached. It is a co-op for Americans built by Americans. Organized for America aka Obama for America aka Organizing for Action raised almost a Billion dollars, mostly from special interest groups.
We do not have a special interest. Our only interest is YOU!
We are the fastest growing community of like-minded fiscally conservative and ethically charged individuals in the nation. With over 600,000 people we connect with every day, we are making a difference and it does matter! This next year is going to be one of the biggest years for change. But we are going to change America back! We must hold the line and use the same technology they have used against us to fight against the tyranny we face from within our own leadership. We must fight against the self-serving, selfish, corrupt, and morally bankrupt leadership and the criminal hidden special interest groups they serve. We must hold them accountable!
This email only has one plea. Stand with us and we will prove to you that we can build a platform that will give all of you a voice, and force the derelicts in our government to be accountable or be replaced. As you prepare this year for another battle against the destructive agenda, remember that we can defeat them! We can replace them! We can and must win!
REMEMBER: “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” -Abraham Lincoln
I will see you in battle! You can join us in one of three ways…
One: Donate today and support us over the year to help take our Country back!
Three: Pray. We can do a lot together, but we cannot do anything alone.
Thank you again for all that you have done and continue to do. We stand with you, and even $5.00 a month can help us build the tools we need to serve you. Become a founding member of Advocacy to Action (the system of Conservative Daily) and help to make YOUR voice matter!
May God continue to bless this nation, even as the minority attempts to strip us of our identity. Again, I see you in battle as we fight this cancer, and refuse to go quietly. For we are good men and women, and we do not know how to remain silent!
With Warmest Regards,
Joe Otto and The Conservative Daily Team