Dear Conservative,
Today is the President’s State of the Union address. Once again, Barack Obama will stand before Congress and the American people to lay out his Progressive vision for the country.
There have been a lot of calls for Conservatives within the GOP to boycott the speech all together. Many talk radio hosts have encouraged GOP Congressmen and Senators to stay home out of protest.
Nothing good can come from boycotting the State of the Union because Barack Hussein Obama is going to lie to the American people with or without the GOP in attendance. Instead of asking the GOP to play hooky, we are asking them to do one simple thing: Stand with the American People!
The GOP must stand with the People and the Constitution, and the best way to do that is to stay standing during the ENTIRE State of the Union speech!
We are not asking that Congressmen or Senators scream out during the President's speech, nor are we asking that they cause a disturbance. We all remember the “You Lie” outburst during Obama’s 2009 State of the Union speech… While that would probably be entertaining to see again, all we are asking the GOP to do is stay standing during the entire address! We are asking them to stand with the People, stand with the Constitution, and stand against the tyranny of the Obama administration!
Why should we be expected to sit down and watch as the President of the United States repeatedly lies to the American people? Why must we kneel down before this Imperial President? Like the others before, Barack Hussein Obama will use this State of the Union speech to freely spread his Progressive propaganda and to criticize Conservatives.
He expects Conservatives to sit down during his speech… He expects us to just submit to his will…
Imagine how powerful it would be if one Congressman or Senator remained standing during the State of the Union… Imagine if just one person refused to sit down! Now, think about what would happen if EVERY GOP Congressman and Senator did the same!
In one of his earliest speeches, Abraham Lincoln spoke before the Illinois House of Representatives on the importance of standing up on principle. Lincoln told his colleagues,
“The probability that we may fall in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just; it shall not deter me. If ever I feel the soul within me elevate and expand to those dimensions not wholly unworthy of its almighty Architect, it is when I contemplate the cause of my country deserted by all the world beside, and I standing up boldly and alone, and hurling defiance at her victorious oppressors.”
The GOP needs to realize that even just one individual, standing on principle, can change the direction of the country!
Half a century ago, brave Americans of all races and creeds used sit-ins as a means to protest against this country’s unjust laws and policies. Tonight, we are asking our Legislators to do the opposite. We are asking them to stand up and refuse to sit down during the State of the Union address.
This is our call to action today. I am asking that you join me in overwhelming the GOP in Congress with faxes encouraging them to stand with the American people during the President’s speech.
Here at Conservative-Daily, we want to maximize the impact of your voice, so we are offering a special discount for you to fax the entire GOP caucus!
For the last five years, Congress has proven itself to be especially good at sitting down. You have watched as your Representatives remained seated while Obama’s progressive policies were forced down Americans’ throats.
Obama expects the GOP to sit quietly during his propaganda speech, and he expects them to clap while he outlines new ways to morally and fiscally bankrupt the country.
This ends today. We will no longer sit down and watch this President drive the country into the ground! It is time to Stand Up!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily