Dear conservative,
The Democrats are trying to take your Second Amendment rights away again!
Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) has introduced the "The Handgun Trigger Safety Act." The bill will mandate that all guns in the United States be personalized, using owner recognition technology to ensure that prohibited persons are not able to use firearms.
It is actually rather comical how these types of legislation are named. The bill’s title implies that safety devices don’t already exist in firearms… even though they do!
If the bill is passed, within two years, every handgun sold in the United States must possess either fingerprinting technology or some other means of verifying the identity of the shooter. Three years after passage, Markey's gun control bill will force ALL civilian owned guns to be retrofitted with the technology, and this cost will be passed onto the gun manufacturers and the consumers!
"This is the type of gun safety legislation that everyone — regardless of political party or affiliation — should be able to support," Sen. Markey proclaimed. However, he couldn't be more wrong!
This bill is dangerous. If someone wants to trust their life to a complex fingerprint reading mechanism, that is their prerogative. However, how dare the government force all citizens to use this technology? There is a reason that the military and police are staunchly against this technology. Why? Because when the military and police depend on firearms to save their lives, they refuse to add vulnerable electronics to that equation!
The technology simply hasn't been tested and fingerprint technologies are simply too prone to failure. That has led other legislators to pursue other means of creating personalized firearms. Another way is to force gun owners to wear a watch that emits weak radio frequency. When the gun is within arm's reach of an individual wearing the watch, it can be fired. A German company produces a gun with this watch technology and it retails in California for over $2000 (which is five times more expensive than the leading non-personalized alternative).
This bill is blatantly unconstitutional for a number of reasons. First of all, this technology makes firearm ownership cost prohibitive for a vast majority of Americans. Making it 500% more expensive to exercise our second amendment rights is so clearly unconstitutional that it is amazing that this bill will actually be introduced into the US Senate.
Second of all, this technology is chronically prone to failure and cannot be trusted to function when lives are on the line. This is the same reason that the military and police are so staunchly against this technology. The proposed law actually explicitly grants the Department of Defense an exemption! They refuse to trust their lives to this untrusted technology, yet Democrats want us to be the guinea pigs!
The third reason that this bill cannot be allowed to pass is that not only is the technology prone to failure, but it is prone to sabotage! Electronics can easily be disabled and radio frequencies can be jammed. The biggest fear is that law-abiding citizens could have their guns disabled, either by criminals or government agencies. When anti-government protests erupt, the first thing that gets turned off is cell phone service. Tyrannical governments don't want protesters being able to organize. Imagine if the government could turn off everyone's firearms! This isn't unrealistic. If this "Smart Gun" bill is implemented, there would be nothing stopping government agencies or criminals from disabling law-abiding citizens' firearms.
But most of all, this legislation must be killed because it creates a national registry of firearms. If compliance with these “safety standards” is mandatory, a mechanism is required to verify citizens’ compliance. This is a complicated way of creating a list of American gun owners, and the only reason to create such a registry is for confiscation purposes!
This technology is designed to restrict an individual's ability to use firearms. The Democrats admit that. They hope that mandating "Smart Guns" will stop criminals or even children from using firearms they aren't authorized to use. However, the technology is so vulnerable that not only does it prevent unauthorized persons from using the firearm, but it also stops law-abiding gun owners from legally defending themselves!
This technology won't save lives. It will only tie Americans' hands and leave them absolutely defenseless!
This legislation must be stopped! Legislators tend to look at this technology and automatically believe that it is a good idea. At the state level, “Smart Gun” legislation has already been passed in New Jersey and the legislature is now pressing Chris Christie to implement the law and force all hand guns sold in the state to possess this dangerous technology. Now the legislation is being introduced in California, New York, Massachusetts, and both chambers of Congress!
These bills are allowed to succeed because the majority of people see no harm in forcing this technology on the American people. As a result, these types of bills pass because we do not demand that our representatives vote against it!
The responsibility falls on us to stop our representatives from violating our rights. They don’t seem to understand the plain and simple language of the phrase “shall not be infringed!”
We are the last defense against tyranny and the tyrants are knocking at the door!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily