Dear Conservative,
Over the past year, there have been a lot of developments in the IRS targeting scandal. While Lois Lerner continues to plead the fifth and refuses to answer to her involvement in the targeting (while simultaneously claiming she did nothing wrong), the evidence that Congress has been able to gather proves, beyond a doubt, that she was at the heart of the scandal.
We know that the evidence is there. Just from what the House committees have been able to access so far, we know that Lois Lerner deliberately ordered the targeting of conservative groups for political reasons. Common sense would dictate that there should be more evidence out there. So, Congress has started looking for it.
The House and Senate Committees have subpoenaed the rest of Lois Lerner's emails but the Chairman of the IRS, John Koskinen, told the House Government Oversight Committee on Wednesday that it could take years for the IRS to redact the sensitive information in the files.
Years? They are going to drag the release of Lois Lerner documents on for years?! How is this acceptable? The Obama administration is trying to stall once again, delaying the investigation into the IRS not only until after the mid-term elections, but also after Barack Obama is out of office! This is how the Obama administration handles these scandals. They stall and stall until people either forget about their transgressions or the criminals responsible retire with full benefits and the statute of limitations expires!
We cannot allow this to happen! The House Government Oversight Committee has subpoena power and they have the power to enforce their subpoena! Yet, Congress still seems too afraid to do whatever is necessary to get to the bottom of this scandal! That has to stop now. Congress cannot allow the Obama administration to continue to stonewall these investigations!
IRS Chairman John Koskinen complained to the House Oversight Committee that the agency had already spent 10 months and $15 million dollars complying with Congressional subpoenas. He estimates the IRS has already handed over 600k emails and documents to Congressional committees with the keywords "tea party" and "election" in them. But that wasn't what Congress asked for. Congress asked for EVERY email, but Chairman Koskinen won't honor the subpoena because he believes the request is "too broad."
"In a court of law, if you provided that subpoena, a court would not enforce it" because it's too broad, Koskinen said. "We are going to respond to the subpoena. I'm just going to tell you that to comply with this subpoena, we're going to be at it for years, not months."
The Obama administration is mocking Congress. The IRS will eventually respond to the subpoena, but it will do it in its own sweet time. This is absolutely unacceptable!
The IRS cannot simply define the terms of the subpoena. Last time I checked, when you are under investigation, you can't pick and choose what documents the prosecutors are allowed to access…
Congress needs to wake up put an end to this nonsense once and for all. The Obama administration can't delay its own reckoning! Congress must go after these crooks and make sure that the Obama administration's crimes are finally revealed to the world!
The solution is actually pretty simple. Both Lois Lerner and IRS Chairman John Koskinen have refused to comply with a lawful, Congressional subpoena. Congressional Republicans are now shaking their heads, wondering why the Obama administration isn’t listening to their requests. Isn’t it obvious? The only reason to withhold evidence is to prevent the truth from coming out. The administration is burying these documents and dragging their feet so that when the truth finally comes out, all those who were responsible for the IRS targeting will be long gone!
Luckily, the Constitution provides for ways to deal with a non-compliant Executive Branch. There is a reason that there is a jail beneath the Capital, and it is for these exact circumstances!
For the life of me, I don’t understand what Congress is waiting for! The House holds hearing after hearing where Representatives ask the administration to please hand over documents. They are treating this like a joke!
Congress MUST hold Lois Lerner and IRS Chairman John Koskinen in Contempt of Congress. This is the only way to compel these criminals to comply with the subpoena!
The American people deserve the truth. For the last year, the Obama administration has reduced the release of IRS documents to a little more than a trickle. In the past week, the IRS has handed over some of Lois Lerner’s emails to Congressional committees, but they are continuing to pick and choose which documents are available and which documents are deemed “irrelevant.”
I’m sorry, but the IRS doesn’t get to choose which documents are relevant to the investigation into the lawlessness within the IRS!
Congress is afraid. For some reason, the American people continue to put people in Congress who tragically lack any backbone. It is YOUR job to force Congress to act on behalf of the American people and get us the answers we need!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily