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Gun Control? I Will Not Comply!

Dear Conservative,
Today is the deadline for New Yorkers to register their so-called "Assault Weapons" with the state. And, not surprisingly, over a million gun owners are refusing to do so.
A little over a year ago, the gun control machines in New York and Connecticut fired up again, eager to use the Sandy Hook tragedy as an excuse to push for more gun control.
Both of these states passed onerous, toughest-in-the-nation "Assault Weapon" bans. I am forced to put the word "Assault Weapons" in quotations because not only is it a made up term created by gun grabbers to demonize an entire class of firearms, but the definition also varies greatly from state to state.
The gun grabbers started by trying to just ban firearms by name, which was rather stupid because firearm manufacturers would just change their product names. Instead, they instituted a ban based on the weapons' cosmetic attachments. These gun control advocates aren't interested in stopping crime, they are just trying to disarm the law abiding Americans in order to leave them powerless against government tyranny!
In Connecticut and New York, it is legal to own an AR-15 as long as it doesn't contain a collapsible buttstock, flash hider or brake, pistol grip, or a few other purely cosmetic features. As a result, entrepreneurs have been able to flood the market with new ways to modify AR-15s in order to be ban-compliant. Yes, these guns are ugly, but they are a way to keep the shooting sports alive in the face of strict "Assault Weapon" bans.
Just after New Years, I told you that over 350,000 patriots had refused to register their firearms in Connecticut. Rather than follow this unconstitutional law and allow the state to record who has the guns (a list to be used for future confiscation), more than 350,000 people decided to disobey. Well the same thing is happening in New York, except on a much larger scale!
It was estimated that before the safe act passage, there were 1-2 million firearms that would be classified under the law as "Assault Weapons" in New York State. While the SAFE Act law forbids the police from releasing the number of registered firearms, politicians are scrambling to try to figure out how to deal with the massive civil disobedience taking place.
Today, April 15, is the deadline to register all "Assault Weapons" and "High Capacity Magazines" with New York State Police. Even the most liberal estimates suggest that only 10% of gun owners will actually file the paperwork to register their firearms.
That means that after midnight tonight, the gun grabbers in New York will have turned over 1 million hard-working, tax paying, honest Americans into FELONS overnight! When you combine New York and Connecticut, that means that there are well over 1.5 MILLION people who are now felons, even though they have committed no other crimes!
These are not dangerous people. These are not the people who go into schools or malls and start killing innocent people. These gun owners just wanted to be left alone to protect and provide for their families. Big government, however, doesn't trust Americans with arms. The government doesn't trust YOU with arms because an armed citizenry is the last defense against tyranny!
When the Second Amendment was being debated, Patrick Henry, one of the seldom mentioned founding fathers, asked, 
“Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?”
This question is just as relevant today as it ever was… This was a fundamental question that the founders were debating at the time of the Constitution's drafting and ratification. Who was best fit to protect self, family, and country? An overbearing government, or brave, freedom loving patriots?
We have already had this debate, and the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the rights of individual citizens to own firearms. There is absolutely no debating that! But make no mistake, the goal of the gun grabbers is total disarmament. Big government doesn't empower individuals to act on their own… Big government breeds government dependency on every level. Whether it is food stamps, unemployment assistance, or now gun control, the government will not rest until you are completely dependent on government assistance!
We must take a stand! These government thugs will not rest until all Americans are completely disarmed. The Second Amendment holds up all the rest!
I get emails from readers asking why they should care about what is happening in these gun control states. My answer is that these things have a habit of spreading far beyond the gun control Iron Curtain of the Northeast! The Federal "Assault Weapon" ban of 1994 was based off of an identical law passed in New Jersey a few years earlier. If we do not stand against these draconian gun laws wherever we find them, then history is doomed to repeat itself and an "Assault Weapons" ban will once again be the law of the land.
We must stand up with our Brothers and Sisters in New York, Connecticut and all the other gun control states and DEMAND that Congress protect the rights of law abiding gun owners nationwide!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

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