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Boehner Announces Lawsuit Against Obama!

Dear Conservative,

I hate the establishment Republicans just as much as you do. I can’t begin to describe how much it angers to see the establishment types like John Boehner go against the very people that put them into office. But even a broken clock can be right twice a day!

In a closed-door meeting yesterday with his fellow Republicans, John Boehner informed them that he would be filing a lawsuit against the White House challenging Barack Obama’s overbearing executive orders.

Obama has promised that 2014 would be his executive “year of action.” Essentially, that means that Obama plans to do everything in his power to use executive orders to bypass Congress!

The founding fathers had a word for these types of rulers… they called them tyrants! You may not like that word, but that is what the founders called them. When a ruler overreaches and claims more authority than the constitution provides, that person is a tyrant. Tyranny has nothing to do with a person’s political ideology. There can be both liberal and conservative tyrants. But when a ruler violates the constitution, there can be no other word to define him or her.

The fact that John Boehner plans to take Barack Obama to court over his executive overreach is an excellent first step (if he actually means it). But even this effort is doomed to fail!

In March, the House of Representatives passed the Executive Needs to Faithfully Observe and Respect Congressional Enactments of the Law Act of 2014. Essentially, this law would have made it easier for Congress to sue the President when he breaks the law or violates the Constitution. But Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) promised that this bill was “dead on arrival” when it reached the Senate, and even today, that common sense piece of legislation continues gather dust on Reid’s desk.

Without this legislation, there is no legal precedent for Congress (as a body) to sue the President of the United States, and John Boehner knows that. He is filing this lawsuit to gain favor with the Conservative base, even though he knows it will go nowhere!

If the GOP is serious about holding this President accountable for his executive overreach, a lawsuit that is doomed-to-fail isn’t the solution.

I am TIRED of this political posturing! I am TIRED of watching the GOP simply say what they need to say to get re-elected!

The answer is impeachment! The answer has been impeachment for the past 226 years!

Tell Congress that if they truly believe in the Constitution and the rule of law, they must fulfill their civil responsibility and IMPEACH President Barack Obama!

When a President violates his oath of office and goes against the laws of the land and the constitution itself, the solution, according to our founding fathers, is impeachment.

I know that it is an election year. I know that it will be impossible to impeach a sitting President when his political party controls the Senate. I know you look at impeachment and you believe that it isn’t worth it to ruffle political feathers leading up to such an important midterm election.

However, impeachment isn’t just an option for us… it is our constitutional duty as citizens to compel our representatives to hold this President accountable!

If we hold back now and shirk our civil DUTY to protect the Republic from this executive tyranny, than we are no different than the Democrats. If we avoid our Constitutional responsibilities in order to play politics during an election year, then we really are no different!

President Bill Clinton’s impeachment was unsuccessful in 1998-9. But do you know what it did? It forced Bill Clinton to move a little bit further to the right with his policies. And do you know what happened two years later? Republicans maintained control of both Chambers of Congress!

The House of Representatives needs to impeach President Barack Hussein Obama and it should have happened years ago!

If the founding fathers were alive to see this, they would be ashamed of us. I know you don’t want to hear this, but they would be ashamed. They would be ashamed to see us too afraid to fulfill our Constitutional responsibilities because we are worried about losing an election.

There is never a safe time to begin impeachment proceedings. There will always be political risk involved. But do you know what? This is a risk that we must take!

Tell Congress that if they truly believe in the Constitution and the rule of law, they must fulfill their civil responsibility and IMPEACH President Barack Obama!

Our representatives sit back and watch this President and his administration literally shred the Constitution and rule the country be executive fiat. They turn to you and tell you that now isn’t the best time to stop this tyranny and that we need to just be patient and wait it out.

Look around and ask yourself whether we can afford to “wait it out.” Ask yourself whether, at the rate we are going, the country can afford this brazen unconstitutional governance for another 6 months…

We have thousands of illegal aliens crossing our southern border every day who are deliberately trying to get caught because they know the Obama administration is too spineless to deport them!

We have an IRS that is literally shredding documents and destroying evidence that they illegally targeted this President’s opposition during an election year!

We have an administration that has claimed the authority to illegally write and change laws by executive order, completely undermining the checks and balances designed by our forefathers to bring stability to government!

I could go on and on…

The Republic is literally burning down around us and YOUR Representatives and Senators are too worried about political outcomes to fulfill their Constitutional duty of holding this President accountable for his actions!

Make no mistake; Congress has a responsibility given to them in the Constitution to forcibly remove tyrants from office! If they refuse to follow through with this responsibility… if they chose political maneuvering over saving this Republic… we need to make sure they realize that they are no different than the self-proclaimed king who is occupying the Oval Office!

Tell Congress that if they truly believe in the Constitution and the rule of law, they must fulfill their civil responsibility and IMPEACH President Barack Obama!

The time is now.

Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

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