Dear Conservative,
We have known for weeks that President Barack H. Obama plans to act administratively and without Congress to “fix” the country’s immigration system. That is a fancy way of saying that the President of the United States fancies himself a king…
There is no doubt that by “fix,” Obama means to reward the very people whose first act in this country was to violate our immigration laws.
But there is an even more sinister and conniving scheme at work in the Obama White House, one that if implemented, is one-hundred percent impeachable!
Right now, illegal immigrants coming from Central and South America have to travel north through Mexico and every other country in between their home and the US. There is no doubt that this journey is dangerous and many, unfortunately, do not survive the trip.
While I feel for those who lose their lives trying to sneak into this country, it isn’t our problem. If an illegal alien thinks it is a good idea to trust a drug smuggler to take them to America, it isn’t our problem if they get cheated or even killed. There are so many other things going on in the world that are more important. How illegal aliens choose to invade this country shouldn’t matter to us.
But apparently, it does. The Democrats have made it a campaign promise to make it easier for illegal aliens to illegally enter and live in the United States. That’s not my opinion; that is straight from the Democrats’ platform and the platforms of Democrat candidates.
Not only do they want to make it easier once illegals get to this country, but the Obama administration wants to make the journey here safer. Which is why Barack Obama is preparing an executive action that would allow illegal aliens to come to the United States directly instead of travelling across dangerous terrain!
Instead of risking these future democrat voters perishing on the journey, Barack Obama is going to give them permission to hop a plane and come to the United States directly, using YOUR tax dollars!
Just to make sure this is clear… The Obama administration is drafting an executive action/order to bypass Congress and instruct our embassies in countries like Honduras to screen illegal immigrants and decide whether they can come to the United States as “refugees.”
So even if we do secure the border – which I pray to God we do – it won’t matter because Obama is going to hand out amnesty before these people even come to America! He is going to redefine the term “refugee” to allow embassy employees to pre-screen illegal immigrants to approve them for entry into the United States.
And instead of these illegals making the treacherous journey to cross our border, they would be flown to the United States using taxpayer dollars!
This is shameful. Listen, I recognize that life is hard in Central and South America. I have been to the region many times and recognize the hardships that many of these people face. But hardship isn’t enough to be a refugee! Not liking where you live doesn’t pre-qualify you for asylum!
There is no war, no epidemic, no ethnic cleansing or genocide… just people who live in countries with corrupt politicians who refuse to listen and provide for the people.
If these illegals are looking for a country with responsive politicians, they should cross the United States off their list…
But in all honesty, have you ever heard of a more crooked scheme? Not only are they going to redefine “refugee” to allow more illegals to come into the country, but they are also going to have our embassies facilitate this transfer.
And do you know who this is going to hurt the most? Sure, it will hurt the American people, but what about the bonafide refugees trying to seek asylum in this country?
I’m not talking about the people who cheat the system… I’m talking about people like Mariam Ibraheem Ishag, a Sudanese woman who was sentenced to death in her country because she refused to convert to Islam. She had to fight for months to get asylum in the United States, but Obama wants to fast-track Central American children. How is that fair?
I’m talking about the Christian families who live in Mosul, Iraq and have been given an ultimatum: Convert to Islam, pay the jizya (“protection”) tax, or be put to death.
These are just some of the people who we should be focusing our efforts on granting asylum for.
The people coming from Central America aren’t being put to death because of their commitment to the faith. They are coming to the United States because they have heard that if they make it here, the American taxpayers will subsidize their existence.
Is that the America you want to live in? One where people come here just to leech off of the American taxpayer?
It doesn’t have to be this way! We can stop Obama from handing this country over to illegal aliens. We just need to get loud and make sure that EVERY congressman knows that his or her job is hanging on by a thread and that if they let this amnesty executive order happen, We the People will destroy them!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily