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Eric Holder Must Be Held in Contempt and Arrested!

Fellow American,

Eric Holder gave the green light for the ATF/DOJ to hand over hundreds of firearms to Mexican cartel members. This was all done to prove that American guns are responsible for Mexican crime.

Operation Fast & Furious went horribly wrong when government agents ‘forgot’ to follow up on these illegal purchases and the weapons ultimately made their way across the border.

At that point, all the Obama administration had to do was admit that it failed. It’s that simple. An admission of failure, however damaging, would have put the scandal behind us.

But that’s not what the administration did. Eric Holder refused to hand over documents to Congressional investigators and Barack Obama deemed the documents to be protected under ‘executive privilege.’

Well, U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson recently ordered that Eric Holder and the Obama administration cannot claim “executive privilege” and that the Fast & Furious documents had to be handed over by October 1st.

The first of the month came and went and – surprise, surprise – Eric Holder snubbed this Federal Judge and refused to hand over the documents!

This is serious! Eric Holder must be held in contempt, fined, and imprisoned if necessary. Whatever it takes to reach the truth!

Eric Holder MUST be held in contempt and imprisoned. Only you can DEMAND that Congress hold this Attorney General accountable for his crimes!

A week ago, you joined other brave patriots in demanding that Congress arrest and imprison Eric Holder for his crimes. Together, we sent THOUSANDS of faxes to Congress and our message seems to have gotten the attention of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee!

Under the leadership of Rep. Darrell Issa, the Committee has requested that Judge Jackson hold Eric Holder in Contempt of Court and punish him for his noncompliance.

“Should the Court determine that the Attorney General has violated that Order, the Court should impose on the Attorney General an appropriate penalty to coerce his compliance with the August 20 Order, including an escalating daily monetary fine against Eric H. Holder Jr., to be paid by Mr. Holder out of his personal assets, converting to incarceration if the payment of daily monetary fines does not produce compliance within a reasonable period of time.”

That’s right, there’s actually a chance that Eric Holder ends up in prison!

For some reason, Eric Holder – and the rest of the administration, for that matter – believes that he is above the law. The Attorney General has shown complete contempt for Congress and its investigatory powers. And now, Eric Holder has shown his contempt for the Judicial Branch by disregarding a Federal Judge’s orders!

We can’t let up now. We need to continue to pressure Congress and force our Representatives and Senators to hold Eric Holder accountable for his actions!

Eric Holder must be fined and imprisoned and the only way that will happen is if you double-down and DEMAND it!

Eric Holder MUST be held in contempt and imprisoned. Only you can DEMAND that Congress hold this Attorney General accountable for his crimes!


Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

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