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Breaking News: Ebola Spreads in U.S. as Congress and Obama Do Nothing!

This is breaking news!

Another person in Dallas has just tested positive for the Ebola virus. The individual is a healthcare worker at the same hospital where Thomas Eric Duncan was held.

This newly infected person was wearing protective clothing and took all the necessary precautions… but still got infected.

Just like the nurse in Spain who came down with Ebola, no amount of protection protocols could stop the disease from spreading in Dallas.

All we have heard is how “hard” it is for people to catch Ebola. Really? If it’s so hard, why is it that people wearing protective clothing are becoming infected?

This is a huge deal. For the first time, the Ebola virus has been transmitted in the United States. We aren’t just talking about someone sneaking into the country after becoming infected…

The CDC did not believe that Thomas Duncan was “high risk.” They provided doctors with gowns, gloves, masks, and facial shields. But none of that was enough to stop the spread of the virus!

Congressmen are rallying behind us! Keep up the pressure and DEMAND that flights to Ebola countries be suspended!

We are being lied to. I firmly believe that the American people are being lied to about the Ebola virus.

If it is so hard to become infected, why is it that the people taking the most precautions are the ones falling ill?

This doesn’t make any sense, unless the virus has become an airborne pathogen…

The Ebola virus often spreads from patient to doctor in West Africa, however we often chalk that up to the fact that these doctors are using sub-par protective equipment.

Well now, the virus has spread here in the United States despite the best medical technology the world has to offer!

We have already proven how easy it is for the virus to enter the United States. The Obama administration announced that it would begin taking passengers’ temperature at FIVE international airports. Yet these were the same protective measures that FAILED to discover Thomas Duncan because he was asymptomatic in-flight.

Thomas Duncan, the infected man from Liberia, deliberately came to the United States. He knew he was infected and believed that in the U.S., he would at least have a fighting chance.

Obama’s “plan” will not stop Ebola from coming to the United States. And now, we learn that the CDC’s protection/containment protocols are insufficient to stop the disease from spreading!

This whole thing is so fishy. Every time the Obama administration or CDC make assurances to the American people, the disease proves them wrong!

Congressmen are rallying behind us! Keep up the pressure and DEMAND that flights to Ebola countries be suspended!

We have sent THOUSANDS of faxes to Congress demanding that flights from Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea be suspended. Many people have asked us whether reaching out to Congress even matters… whether they even listen…

They do! A bipartisan group of Congressman is now pressuring the Obama administration to suspend air travel to West Africa.

“With three nations in Africa currently facing an Ebola epidemic, our government must take aggressive action to combat and prevent the spread of this disease in the United States,” the Congressmen wrote to the President.

This is a direct result of advocacy from Patriots just like you!

As of right now, 26 Congressmen have signed on. But that is not enough! You must continue to pressure lawmakers and DEMAND that they take the proper steps to protect the American people from this disease!

Obama refuses to close the southern border, even though the Commander of the U.S. Southern Command admits that a “large percentage” of illegal aliens captured trying to enter the United States through Mexico are from West Africa…

Obama refuses to shut down air travel even though Thomas Duncan proved how easy it is for an Ebola carrier to slip through containment protocols…

Enough is enough! Congress must close the border and suspend air-travel to West Africa to protect Americans from this scourge, but the only way that will happen is if YOU demand it!

We can’t let up now. Our demands are working. Now we must double down!

Congressmen are rallying behind us! Keep up the pressure and DEMAND that flights to Ebola countries be suspended!


Joe Otto

Conservative Daily

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