Fellow American,
If you ever need an example of government incompetence, look no further than the Obama administration’s response to this Ebola crisis.
Well, where do I start?
How about the fact that the Center for Disease Control (CDC) allowed a Dallas nurse under quarantine to board a commercial flight while she was symptomatic!
Amber Joy Vinson is the second Dallas nurse to become infected after caring for Thomas Duncan. She was supposed to be under quarantine… The CDC was supposed to be monitoring her just in case she had become infected…
But the CDC did none of that. Instead, the Federal government allowed Ms. Vinson to board a Frontier Airlines flight while she was symptomatic and contagious!
As we have been told time and time again, Ebola is only spread when carriers become symptomatic. So now, there are 132+ people at risk all because the CDC was too incompetent to stop this woman from boarding a commercial airplane!
The photo above shows Ms. Vinson boarding a flight to Emory University Hospital. But this might be too little, too late as more than a hundred people have already been exposed!
This incompetence goes all the way to the top! The American people deserve better than this!
All this incompetency leads to CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden…
Listen to this stupidity: Dr. Frieden was asked whether healthy people should be worried about catching Ebola on public transit, to which he responded, “no.”
Then in the same breath, the CDC Director said, “if you are sick and you may have Ebola, should you get on a bus? And the answer to that is also no. You might become ill, you might have a problem that exposes someone around you.”
… I’m speechless… How on earth can the head of the CDC say that you can give – but not contract – Ebola on public transit?
We all know that Ebola is transmissible and that close contact with infected individuals aids in infection. Researchers at the renown Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University of Minnesota have found that Ebola is in fact transmissible through the air.
Well, not in the sense that the Ebola virus is just floating around in the air… However, the researchers found that “scientific and epidemiologic evidence” proves that Ebola can be transmitted through exhaled breath and “infectious aerosol particles.”
It is well known that the Ebola virus is found in saliva and other bodily fluids. It makes complete sense that the virus would be present in the particulates expelled through coughing or sneezing.
I’m not a doctor and, contrary to what many Liberals claim, I am not a fear-mongerer.
But I’m also not an idiot. I know when I’m being lied to. Director Frieden claims that a simple surgical mask is enough to protect doctors and nurses. Well, obviously it isn’t considering that two nurses contracted Ebola from caring for Thomas Duncan!
And if a simple mask is enough protection, why is it that whenever I see Ebola patients being transferred, CDC personnel are wearing full protective equipment? Why is it that the CDC doctors in the picture above are taking these extra precautions but Doctors in Hospitals are left to fend for themselves?
The CDC has been reduced to just another arm of the administration’s propaganda machine and Dr. Frieden has become the chief propagandist!
The polls are shifting. Now, two-thirds of all Americans support the idea of suspending air-travel to and from Ebola-stricken countries.
Dr. Frieden, however, disagrees. He believes that West Africans, even those who are infected, still have a right to visit the United States.
This is ludicrous! There is absolutely ZERO reason to allow these people to fly to the United States. We have absolutely nothing to gain from this, yet we have everything to lose!
The President told us it was unlikely that Ebola would ever reach our shores… that turned out to be WRONG!
We were told that the CDC was containing the Ebola outbreak in Dallas… that turned out to be WRONG!
And now, even though one infected Liberian has already made it through the checkpoints, the Obama administration has promised there’s nothing to worry about… Mark my words: that will turn out to be wrong as well!
Americans deserve to be protected from this disease and the fact that the Obama administration continues to refuse to enact a travel ban is UNACCEPTABLE!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily