Fellow American,
We’ve been warning you for months about how dangerous it is to leave the border wide open and to allow radical Islamists to return to America after fighting alongside the Islamic State.
By now, you’ve heard about the horrific events taking place in Canada. Earlier this week, an extremist with ties to radical Islamists used his car as a weapon to kill one Canadian soldier and wound another.
Then, on Wednesday, another radicalized Canadian citizen went on a shooting spree in Ottawa, killing the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and shooting at government workers inside the Parliament building.
What did these two men have in common? Well, the evidence suggests that both assailants had desires to go fight with ISIS terrorists in Iraq and Syria. However, the Canadian government had seized their passports and placed them under observation for their radicalism.
Does this ring a bell? Well, it should… this is EXACTLY what the Obama administration is doing here in the United States (minus the passport seizures)!
The Director of the FBI has openly admitted that the government is “monitoring” dozens of ISIS terrorists and sympathizers who have returned to the United States. On top of that, we hear almost weekly reports about how border patrol agents are catching known terrorists sneaking into the country.
Make no mistake… we have been infiltrated. These terrorists are here in the United States and Harry Reid and other Congressional Democrats refuse to give these agencies the tools to prevent an attack!
A few weeks ago, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced legislation that would give intelligence agencies the power to stop Americans fighting for ISIS from returning to the U.S.
However, Harry Reid and his allies blocked the bill from being fast-tracked through Congress. And even though we know for a FACT that terrorists are coming across our wide-open southern border, Democrats still claim that the border is secure…
You can rest assured that Liberals will try to label the terrorist attack in Canada as “work place violence.”
They are terrified of calling this what it is because it would show how they are failing to protect Americans!
It is well documented that ISIS has instructed its followers in America to launch lone wolf attacks against American soldiers, their families, and innocent civilians. Canada has now experienced back-to-back terrorist attacks from ISIS sympathizers. We’re likely next!
Democrats are blocking legislation that would stop these types of attacks from happening on American soil. They are deliberately leaving the border open to pad their voter rolls with illegal alien Democrat sympathizers.
It’s pathetic how these Liberals are blocking this common-sense legislation. Any American proven to fight for our enemies MUST be barred from reentering the country; anyone who has slipped through must be apprehended; and the border must be secured once and for all to stop the flow of terrorists and criminals into the country!
Honestly, when will the American people stand up and cry, “enough is enough?” When will you claim your voice and demand change from your legislators?
Congress has the power to STOP these Islamic extremists from entering the country and yet a far-left minority of Senators has blocked these common-sense measures.
The Left claims there is no way to stop “lone wolf” attacks like the one that took place in Canada. That is a LIE!
They have the power to close our borders… They have the power to seize passports of any American caught fighting for ISIS… And they have the power to round up known terrorists instead of just “monitoring” them!
Now is the time for you to raise your voice and get angry! Now is the time to fax every member of Congress DEMANDING that America be protected!
All that is necessary for terrorists to succeed is for brave patriots like you to stand by and do nothing…
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily