Fellow Conservative,
The United Nations Arms Trade Treaty will enter into force today. Today, this leftist gun control treaty becomes binding international law. Enough countries around the world have ratified it so the gun control treaty will now be enforced.
Barack Obama has made it public that he plans to use every ounce of his executive power to help implement this heinous treaty, even if it means going against the Constitution and the American people to do it!
There is a lot of talk that the Obama administration will sidestep Congress and move to implement the treaty unilaterally, without the Senate’s approval.
While Obama can’t ratify the treaty on his own, there are plenty of tools at his disposal to meet the goals of the treaty.
Rumor is that the White House will move to ban or heavily restrict imports and exports of weapons under the guise of protecting “human rights.”
The right to keep and bear arms is useless if the Administration makes it impossible for citizens to get their hands on firearms!
Click here to help STOP Obama from enforcing the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty before it is too late!
The treaty’s goal is simple: to prevent the transfer of weapons if there is a reasonable expectation they will be used to commit crimes. Now, the crimes the treaty mentions are specifically war crimes – like genocide and ethnic cleansing. But, the treaty is so loosely written that even the prospect of a “mass shooting” would be enough for other countries to cut off arms sales to American citizens.
The Obama administration used the “save the children” nonsense last year when it banned the re-importation of WWII M1 Garand rifles.
It takes a supermajority in the Senate to ratify a treaty. But that doesn’t mean that Obama can’t enact it through a piecemeal approach using executive orders!
Now that Obama has lost the Senate, gun control is likely dead in Congress.
Do you really think that Obama is going to give up on trying to take your guns? Did he ‘give up’ when Congress refused to pass his immigration bill? NO!
He seized more power and used an executive action to unconstitutionally grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens anyway!
More executive orders on gun control are coming. Now that the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty is going into effect, it is only a matter of time before Barack H. Obama sidesteps Congress and tries to enact it on his own!
We can’t afford to just wait for that day to come. I, for one, am tired of constantly playing defense when it comes to our Second Amendment rights.
The founders included the words “shall not be infringed” for a reason. And they gave YOU the power to fight against any tyrannical government that would try to take your rights away.
This is one of those moments… This is a moment that historians will write books about years from now…
The question is, will these historians tell the tale of a power-hungry President who succeeded in disarming the American people?
Or will they tell the story of how brave Patriots like you rose up and stopped this lawless President in his tracks?
I choose the latter. I choose to draw my line in the sand and scream NO.
Join me in DEMANDING that Congress put a stop to this regime’s unconstitutional gun control agenda immediately!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily