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Awesome: House Opens New Investigation into Eric Holder!

Fellow Conservative,

Before I get started, I wanted to commend Eric Holder for doing something right (for a change). He has officially barred states from using federal law as an excuse to seize property from people never even charged with a crime. This process is known as civil asset forfeiture and it results in billions of dollars being seized from potentially innocent civilians every year.

When asked why he chose to prohibit this asset seizure, Eric Holder replied that it was necessary to uphold Americans’ “civil liberties.”

This is where I absolutely lost it. Eric Holder believes he is upholding civil liberties? Is that a joke?

Eric Holder is the most anti-gun Attorney General ever to hold the office. He has made it his mission to vilify and target American gun owners at every opportunity.

His DOJ was caught giving guns to Mexican drug cartels (in an attempt to get evidence for more gun control) and they deliberately have tried to put law-abiding gun stores out of business.

This anti-gun program was known as Operation Choke Point. As you are aware, Eric Holder’s DOJ used this program to label gun stores as “high risk” so they could pressure financial institutions to drop them as clients. The DOJ lumps legal gun stores in with escort services, pornography, Ponzi schemes, and other shameful industries.

Gun stores have literally been put out of business because of Eric Holder’s actions.

You joined the chorus of thousands of other patriots demanding that Congress put a stop to this… and Congress listened!

Demand that Congress arrest Eric Holder for going after American gun owners!

Representative Sean Duffy, the new Chair of the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee of the House Financial Services Committee, has promised a full investigation into this illegal program.

Yes, Eric Holder’s anti-gun program is illegal. Congress outlawed it last year, but Holder’s DOJ completely ignored the law and went after gun stores anyway.

Rep. Duffy has promised hearings, subpoenas, and real accountability.

It worked! You raised your voice about this out-of-control program and Congress listened!

But now is not the time to rest on our laurels. Now is not the time to just sit back and hope that the system brings us justice.


I don’t care if Eric Holder has promised to resign. This man is a criminal. He participated in the IRS scandal and coordinated with Lois Lerner (FACT).

He was involved in the Operation Fast and Furious cover-up (FACT).

And now we have evidence that Eric Holder’s Department of In(justice) knowingly broke the law and forced banks to drop their gun store customers.

This might sound like no bid deal, but imagine running a store and finding out that your credit card processors no longer work, your payroll account has been frozen, and your business loan applications have all been denied.

This is what Eric Holder is doing to law-abiding gun dealers. He is treating them like they are criminals and doing everything in the DOJ’s power to make it impossible for them to do business.

The Obama administration couldn’t take our guns away so instead, they are going after your ability to buy guns. They want to put gun stores out of business and make it more expensive for you to exercise your Second Amendment rights!

It’s time to hold this corrupt agency accountable. It’s time for the House Sergeant-at-Arms to look Eric Holder in the eyes and utter the words we have been waiting years to hear: “You are under arrest.”

With your help, we can make this a reality!

Demand that Congress arrest Eric Holder for going after American gun owners!


Joe Otto

Conservative Daily

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