Fellow Conservative,
Long before it was on the news, we told you about how the Obama administration was going after YOUR ammo. The ATF wants to rewrite a decades-old law in order to ban the second-most popular type of AR-15 ammunition: M855 ball ammo.
The AR-15 rifle isn’t a weapon of war like the Left claims. It is the most popular sporting rifle in America. They tried to ban this gun in 2013 and they failed. Now, they’re going to try to starve American gun owners of the ammunition they need to practice and defend themselves.
A lot of media outlets have followed in the footsteps of our initial reporting but instead of telling you the truth, they have used sensational titles claiming that Obama wants to ban all .223/5.56 ammunition. That’s not true. But if the ATF succeeds, it could create a precedent giving them the power to ban all rifle ammunition.
While that certainly got people’s attention, it has led to widespread panic buying. Thanks to Obama’s proposed backdoor ammunition ban, gun store shelves are bare and the ammunition you can find costs more than double what it did a few weeks ago.
Make no mistake: your Second Amendment rights are under attack. And if you don’t take a stand now and DEMAND that Congress put a stop to this, there will eventually be nothing left to defend.
Stop Obama’s backdoor ammunition ban! Force Congress to intervene before it’s too late!
This is just the latest of Obama’s many attempts this year alone to introduce gun control by executive action.
First, the ATF changed the regulations to make it harder for law-abiding citizens to manufacture their own firearms. Then, the ATF released a ridiculous ruling essentially stating that it is a felony to press a pistol against your shoulder.
Now, this same agency is trying to rewrite the law to redefine the term “armor piercing ammunition” to mean any type of bullet that can pierce a soft bulletproof vest.
Here’s the problem. This type of body armor isn’t supposed to block all types of ammunition, just handgun rounds. The Obama administration is trying to apply this law to rifle bullets as well.
Almost exactly one year ago, Obama’s ATF banned the importation of 5.45×39 Russian ammunition because the ammo’s core was partially steel core. Even though the ammunition was designed for a rifle, the ATF decided that it could hypothetically be used in a handgun so it was blocked from being imported. Very few people cared because relatively few people own rifles that fire this type of ammunition. But the attempt to go after a huge subset of AR-15 ammunition has gotten people’s attention.
If Obama’s ATF succeeds and is allowed to rewrite the law to ban this particular type of rifle ammunition, then there is nothing stopping the administration from banning ALL rifle ammunition.
Type II soft body armor was never designed to stop a rifle round. That is why Congress went out of its way in the 1980s to make sure that the ban on armor piercing handgun ammunition would never apply to rifle ammo.
If that happened, then every single caliber of hunting ammunition in existence would be outlawed.
Stop Obama’s backdoor ammunition ban! Force Congress to intervene before it’s too late!
This is why we are fighting so hard against this. We are just one defeat away from complete catastrophe. We have a lot of momentum going for us in Congress. We are potentially months away from nationwide concealed carry reciprocity.
But when Obama promised to do everything he could to restrict gun ownership, he meant it. And this is just the latest shoe to drop.
So far, 238 Congressmen (from both parties) have signed a letter demanding that the ATF abandon its attempt to ban this ammo. A sternly worded “letter” isn’t enough.
Late last week, Rep. Tom Rooney (R-FL) introduced the Protecting Second Amendment Rights Act. Unlike the aforementioned ‘letter,’ this law would stop the ATF in its tracks.
We are less than two weeks away from the ATF’s ammunition ban going into effect. To put it frankly, we’re running out of time.
Together, we sent tens of thousands of faxes to Congress. Every one of those faxes was delivered and read. We took an obscure proposed regulatory change and helped make it front page news.
Now it’s time to finish the job!
Stop Obama’s backdoor ammunition ban! Force Congress to intervene before it’s too late!
Max McGuire
Conservative Daily