Fellow American,
Well, winter is over. That means that a new border surge is upon us. Illegal aliens have begun crossing the border again in record numbers and the Obama administration is once again refusing to turn them away.
We went over this last year. The administration wants you to believe that these are just small children who are coming across the border. I guess the illegal alien “children” with tattoos and facial hair didn’t get that memo.
The fact is that we are facing an invasion on our southern border for the second time in as many years and it is only just starting to build up. We’re not even into April yet and Border Patrol has already “caught” 12,509 illegal aliens. This is the second largest border surge in our history!
I use the word “caught” loosely because that implies that the government is actually going to do something about this clear violation of our sovereignty. The reality is that only 1 out of every 6 of these illegals caught end up being turned away. The Obama administration is laying out the red carpet for the rest of them!
I want to stress that these 12,509 new illegal border crossers only represent the people that got caught. Countless other illegal immigrants have crossed the border without being noticed.
When President Obama announced his executive action on amnesty last November, he promised that it would “stem the flow of illegal crossings and speed the return of those who do crossover.” Well, the data shows that only 17% of these new border crossers are being immediately turned away. Is that border enforcement?
Last month, Federal Judge Andrew Hanen issued an injunction ordering the federal government to immediately suspend implementing Obama’s amnesty executive directives.
Well, the administration lied to the judge and secretly processed more than 100,000 amnesty applications.
On top of that, Border Patrol agents are being told to avoid arresting and deporting illegal aliens all together. Border Patrol Division Chief Kelly C. Good sent a secret email to border agents earlier this year that has only recently been leaked. It instructs Border Patrol agents to stop issuing NTAs (notices to appear in court) to illegal aliens that they capture.
This is treasonous. For the past months, we have been hearing about just how few illegal aliens are actually showing up for their court hearings. Unfortunately, that was predictable. Once in the country, they simply disappear. But no one could have imagined that Border Patrol, the law enforcement agency charged with enforcing our immigration laws, would stoop so low as to stop telling illegal aliens to appear in court all together!
So not only is the Obama administration letting CONVICTED illegal alien criminals out of prison, but they have also stopped even charging illegal aliens with crimes when they get caught entering the country!
Out of all of the unconstitutional policies enacted by this administration, this one definitely takes the cake.
Not only has the President circumvented Congress by trying to change our immigration laws, but now he is deliberately undermining the Judicial Branch by releasing illegal aliens without even charging them!
This has to stop! It’s not even April yet and we’ve already had 12,000+ illegal aliens cross our borders. These are just the ones that were caught. But that doesn’t even matter because Border Patrol isn’t issuing them orders to appear in court.
If this dangerous and unconstitutional is not stopped, we could see ten times as many illegals crossing the border by the summer’s end!
Click to raise your voice and DEMAND that Congress puts a stop to this once and for all!
Max McGuire
Amnesty Alerts