Fellow Conservative,
The clock is ticking. Congress has given Hillary Clinton until the next week to testify. Congress has a legal right to compel current and former government employees to testify on issues related to an investigation.
But Hillary isn’t going to testify because the State Department won’t allow her to. According to Trey Gowdy, they’re refusing to hand over any of her documents to stop her from testifying.
That’s right… The United States Department of State is preventing Hillary Clinton from testifying and answering Congress’ questions.
We’ve had to deal with a lot during Barack Obama’s presidency. We endured the most partisan Attorney General in the country’s history who has refused to prosecute criminals within the administration. We’ve seen criminals given full retirement benefits and be allowed to go off into the sunset because the administration refuses to prosecute one of its own.
Now, we have a former-First Lady, former-Senator, and former-Secretary of State who was CAUGHT breaking the law and violating State Dept. regulations and the Obama administration still won’t let her testify.
Enough is enough.
If Hillary Clinton won’t testify, Congress must hold her in contempt. And if she still refuses to testify, then Congress has the power and responsibility to arrest her!
But the only way that could ever happen is if you demand it!
All of Hillary’s scandals are connected. Benghazi, her missing/deleted emails, the Clinton Foundation… they all point to a woman who believes her surname puts her above the law.
Let me give you an example… The House Benghazi Committee is waiting for the State Department to release Ms. Clinton’s work emails (the ones she didn’t destroy), however this has been delayed because the State Dept. is allowing the Clinton Foundation to review the emails first.
Never before has a private charity had the power to decide whether government emails are handed over to investigators.
See how it is all connected?
But to top it all off, not only is the State Department scrubbing Hillary’s emails, but the Dept. is also preventing Mrs. Clinton from testifying before the committee by refusing to hand over any of the related documents.
Enough is enough. Congress needs to take off the kid gloves and start handling this like the crime that it is.
If Hillary Clinton was anyone else, she’d already be in jail. She let 4 brave Americans die in Benghazi, she systematically destroyed work related emails that should have been archived, and she used her private charity to collect millions from foreign governments/corporations in return for political favors.
She is scummy and she belongs behind bars. If the State Dept. won’t hand over the documents and Hillary refuses to testify, then there is only one option: Congress must instruct the House Sergeant-at-Arms to arrest Mrs. Clinton and compel her to testify. If she still refuses, the law allows for Congress to imprison Hillary in the Capitol Jail until she agrees.
This is the only way we will get any answers!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily