Fellow Conservative,
A Federal Judge in California just ordered the Obama administration to release thousands of illegal alien children and mothers from detention facilities.
It costs more to house an illegal alien in one of these detention facilities than it would to put them up in the average four-star hotel. They have access to food around the clock, a flat-screen television in every room, fully-staffed educational facilities, and even soccer fields.
But Judge Dolly Gee has ordered the Federal government to release these illegal aliens from the “deplorable” conditions.
The government has just days to finalize the release, meaning that by this time next week, there will be at least 1700 more illegal aliens released into our communities!
Don’t let this activist judge set these illegals free! Demand Congress put a stop to this!
The Judge ruled that it is against an 18-year old court settlement banning the detention of illegal alien minors.
The left is applauding the decision and is trying to paint the picture that we are jailing little children. The fact of the matter is that many of these illegal aliens are hardly “children.” Sure, they might be under the age of 18, but their gang tattoos tell a much different story.
Just a reminder, in 2014, the Obama administration released over 100,000 illegal aliens from prison and federal custody. Many of these people were convicted felons, including murderers, rapists, and kidnappers.
Now, a Federal judge is ordering even more released?
No way.
There’s a reason these people are in detention facilities. The Obama administration tried releasing illegal aliens and telling them to show up for a court hearing… They never showed up.
So why on earth should we release illegal alien “children” with gang tattoos into society?
Is this judge insane? Nope, she’s just a Liberal. And if she isn’t stopped, there will be more cases like Kate Steinle. And that is just terrifying…
Don’t let this activist judge set these illegals free! Demand Congress put a stop to this!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily