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Obama Doubles Down on UN Gun Control Treaty!

Fellow Conservative,

Last week, we told you about how the Obama administration was defying the Constitution and participating in the UN Arms Trade Treaty anyway.

We knew that an Obama administration official had made his way to Cancun for the inaugural Arms Treaty Conference, but we didn’t know who the President had sent.

It turns out that President Obama sent an Assistant Secretary from the State Department, Thomas Countryman (yes, that is his last name).

Countryman issued an opening statement at the conference. “We are here to take foundational decisions to operationalize this Treaty, to turn it from mere words on the page into a reality that makes a difference around the world. We are here to breathe life into this Treaty by standing up its international operation,” he declared.

He called the agreement a “tool that we can use, energetically and efficiently.” Use to do what, you ask? Abolish the Second Amendment!

Are you ready to surrender your gun rights to the UN? If no, then you MUST FaxBlast Congress and demand that they stop Obama’s international gun control agenda!

The UN Arms Treaty is toxic.

Article 2 states that the right to own, buy, sell, trade, or transfer weapons of any kind will be denied to average citizens.

Article 3 bans ammunition that can be fired from these weapons.

Article 4 bans gun parts, making it that much harder for Americans to build their own firearms.

Article 12 requires that countries keep a registry of all firearm owners for at least 10 years and hand the list over to the United Nations. Even though this is completely illegal and unconstitutional here in the United States, Obama is subscribing to the requirement anyway.

The whole treaty is garbage and there’s a reason that Congress overwhelmingly voted against it. It flies in the face of the Second Amendment rights afforded to Americans.

But as we speak, without any Congressional ratification or authorization, Secretary Countryman and others within the State Department are working around the clock to make this international gun control regime a reality.

You see, unlike the Iran deal with the President classified as an 'executive agreement' to get around Congress’ treaty powers, the UN Arms Trade Treaty cannot be defined as anything else. It is a treaty and requires a 2/3 ratification vote in Congress.

It is completely unconstitutional for Obama administration officials to implement this treaty without Congressional approval.

At first, it looked like Obama’s support for the UN Arms Treaty would be ceremonial. He would send his people down to the Conference in Mexico, they would announce the administration’s support, and that would be the end of it.

But now we know the truth. This isn’t just ceremonial. President Obama is hell-bent on making the UN Arms Trade Treaty the law of the land!

Obama is running roughshod over the Constitution! Tell Congress to pull the plug and put a stop to this unconstitutional gun control push!

This isn’t an imagined threat. It is real. Right now, there are 90+ gun control bills in Congress. A lot of them are duplicates, but the one thing they all have in common is that they are going nowhere.

Even with as Liberal as the GOP has become, RINOs like Boehner and McConnell know better than to hold a vote on gun control.

But by allowing Obama to circumvent the Constitution and implement this treaty unilaterally, they are supporting gun control through their silence.

It is said that all that is necessary for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing. Right now, Congress is doing nothing and Obama is marching full steam ahead!

As we speak, Congress is writing up next year’s budget. The solution to this president’s action is simple: defund his gun control agenda. Make it illegal for Obama’s lackeys to spend a cent on this gun control push. No more conferences in Cancun, no more long distance phone calls to coordinate with other gun control advocates… pull the plug on the money and this whole thing ends.

You can’t afford to do nothing. You can’t afford to sit back while this President surrenders the Second Amendment to UN gun grabbers. Take action now!

Don’t delay! Demand that Congress defund Obama’s program to implement the UN Arms Trade Treaty immediately!


Max McGuire

Conservative Daily


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