Fellow Conservative,
Mitch McConnell is moving this week to pass legislation to stop Obama’s reckless Syrian refugee program.
Even though the President’s own cabinet members admit that it would be impossible to fully vet these refugees, Obama is going to move forward and let these people in anyway.
Instead of making sure that these people have good histories, the Obama administration has lowered the bar for these migrants and as long as they don’t have a negative blemish on their records, they’ll be allowed in.
I just want to say that they’re called “sleeper cells” for a reason…
We know now that TWO of the Paris terrorists were able to sneak into Europe using fake passports and disguised as refugees. Border Patrol agents have caught Syrians trying to cross the southern border and 6 Syrians were arrested in Central America for trying to sneak into the United States with stolen Greek passports.
This is not a joke. This is serious. They are trying to get in.
In light of these attempted infiltrations, Barack Obama actually wants to make it easier for terrorists to slip through!
But here is what is truly shameful. Senate Democrats are holding the GOP’s legislation hostage. They are demanding more gun control before a halt on Syrian refugees is even considered.
Democrats want to completely change how the government can suspend 2nd Amendment rights. Instead of forcing the Federal government to prove criminal activity (a conviction), the Democrats want to lower the threshold.
If a law enforcement officer thinks that you might be a criminal, the Democrats want them to have the power to take away your gun rights.
Instead of having to prove “beyond a reasonable doubt” that someone is a criminal, under this new Leftist plan an individual’s 2nd Amendment rights can be taken away if law enforcement has “reasonable suspicion” they intend to do harm.
You don’t need a law degree to understand the difference. One requires a jury conviction, the other requires slightly more than just a police officer’s gut feeling or hunch.
This is a smokescreen. Democrats are using the Syrian refugee crisis to push their gun control agenda.
Just to put it in perspective, the Obama administration has already started letting Syrian refugees in. One refugee arrives in New Orleans and the Federal government lost track of him. They know that he left Louisiana for Washington DC but the Obama administration stopped monitoring them because… the refugee “has Constitutional rights.”
No, that’s not a joke. A Syrian refugee has already gone missing here in the United States and the Obama administration won’t search for him for fear of violating his “constitutional rights.”
We have said for months that Obama cares about the rights of terrorists more than the safety of Americans. This just proves it.
Every time there is a terror attack, the Democrats and RINOs first order of business it to go after YOUR constitutional rights. Not this time. Not ever again!
This isn’t fearmongering. This isn’t a scare tactic. This is really happening.
Syrian terrorists are trying to come here and the Obama administration doesn’t seem to care. Not only that, but the administration won’t even keep tabs on the refugees that are already here!
And all the Democrats seem to care about is using this crisis to pass even more gun control.
American national security is not a bargaining chip for the Democrats to get more gun control and it is up to you to make sure that Congress understands that a vote for this “compromise” is unforgivable!
You need to get loud. You need to raise hell and make sure that there is absolutely NO gun control compromise on this!
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily