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Unbelievable: Obama Moving Syrian Refugees to San Bernardino

Fellow Conservative,

Over the past month, the Obama administration announced its short-list of where it plans to resettle Syrian refugees.

You know, the refugees that the administration refuses to fully vet before letting them in.

Near the top of the list was San Bernardino, California. Homeland Security believes that the “active Middle Eastern community” there will help the refugees get settled.

Let me get this straight… The President flat out refuses to perform full background checks on these people, and now he wants to send them to the community that just produced Islamic terrorists who killed 14 innocent people and wounded 21 more…

Is he insane?

Someone must stop this madness! Raise your voice and DEMAND that Congress stop Obama’s refugee program until full background checks are ensured!

This is literally one of those things that you can’t wake up. And the White House is so hell bent on avoiding calling this mass shooting what it was – Radical Islamic Terrorism – that they are going to send these refugees into the community anyway out of political correctness.

Before the investigation is completed and we know how Sayed Farook was radicalized, Obama is going to send these unvetted refugees in to the very community that produced two of the worst Islamic terrorists this country has ever seen.

What could possibly go wrong? (that was sarcasm)

Now, more than ever, we must suspend all immigration into the United States from the Middle East. Not cancel. We are, and always have been, a country of immigrants and our borders should be open to LEGAL immigration.

But not at the risk of suffering any more terror attacks.

Sayed Farook’s wife, Tashfeen Malik, was not an American. She emigrated to this country from the Middle East. According to breaking news, she was able to fool the Department of Homeland Security to gain entry to the United States. This is the same background check process that Obama thinks is “good enough” for tens of thousands of Syrian refugees.

The fact of the matter is that US intelligence agencies missed it. They missed that a Middle Eastern immigrant was being radicalized right under their noses.

So now, after this stunning intelligence failure, Obama wants to bring ten-thousand unvetted Syrian refugees here and plop some of them down in the same exact neighborhood. Yes, the Obama administration is that stupid.

Demand that Congress pass the American SAFE Act and stop Obama from letting Syrian refugees in without fully vetting them!

No one is saying to close the borders permanently. No one is suggesting that we close our doors. But until we know exactly who we are letting in, we simply can’t afford it.

The Left can call us racists and bigots all they want, but I like to describe it using this analogy:

When a loving mother locks her front door at night before going to bed, it’s not because she hates everyone on the outside. She locks her door because she loves her family that much that she would take do something so common-sense to protect them.

That is what we need to do, as a nation. Lock our doors and when someone knocks, make sure we know exactly who we are before we let them in.

The American SAFE Act would stop this. It would force the Obama administration to perform multiple background checks and certify that refugees aren’t a threat before they are allowed entry.

The legislation to halt and overhaul Obama’s Syrian refugee program passed the House of Representatives with a veto-proof majority. But Harry Reid has promised to block it in the Senate and Mitch McConnell is too afraid to schedule a vote.

Too afraid to help the American people… Shameful…

We cannot wait any longer! FaxBlast Congress demanding that they STOP Obama from bringing unchecked Syrians here and definitely stop him from settling them in high-risk communities!


Joe Otto

Conservative Daily


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