Fellow American,
Up until now, it was just rumors and anonymous sources. We knew that Barack Obama was working on a new gun control executive order, but many of the specifics were hazy.
Not anymore. With Congressional Democrats failing to get enough signatures for their gun control discharge petition, Obama is speeding things up and could announce his gun control executive order by the end of today!
White House Advisor Valerie Jarrett has come out and said that the President is ordering that the draft proposal to “expand background checks” be brought to him immediately.
He is going to use an executive order to create a nation-wide gun registry. This is illegal and unconstitutional!
Enough is enough. It’s time to take off the kid gloves. If Barack H. Obama wants to go through with this and shred the Constitution to enact his radical gun agenda, then it’s time for him to be impeached!
Everyone’s so afraid of the “i-word.” No one wants to talk impeachment.
Here, President Obama is finalizing an executive order to mandate background checks on all transfers and create a universal gun registry. If you require a background check on every transfer, then the only way to enforce the law is to record every single transfer.
The Associated Press is reporting that this gun control executive order is imminent.
Here’s the thing: the Obama administration doesn’t even understand the law as written. They don’t understand that if you buy a gun from a dealer online or across state lines, you still need a background check.
Yet, FBI Director James Comey admitted Wednesday during Congressional testimony that even though he wants to close the “online gun sale loophole,” he has no idea how online gun sales are processed. He thinks that the guns just get shipped to the buyer’s door.
It is ignorance like this that led philosophers like Plato and Aristotle to agree that idiots have no place in politics…
But frankly, Barack Obama doesn’t care what the law says now. The only thing he is interested in is making it harder for you to get a gun. That and he has found a way to skirt the law and create a universal gun registry.
Not only would this be in clear violation of the Brady Handgun Violence Protection Act signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1994, which outlines our background check system, but it would also be a clear violation of the Firearm Owner Protection Act of 1986 which explicitly prohibits the Federal government from keeping an active registry of American gun owners.
There is a law on the books that says the government cannot record gun purchases and Obama is about to do it anyway!
Impeachment is nothing to take lightly. It is a tool that is only to be used when tyranny within the executive branch is beyond fixing.
The President is saying that he understands he isn’t allowed to implement this gun control but he is going to do it anyway.
As I have said before, the hour is literally upon us. This new executive order is imminent.
There is only one-way to stop this man from shredding the Constitution and the law: Impeachment.
It is not something I recommend lightly, but with the tyranny within the Oval Office, there is no other solution.
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily